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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Highway robbery ... foiled!
Topic: Misc.
I got a parking ticket a few weeks ago for parking in a suspended bay. Of course, I had no idea that the bay was suspended at the time, and for good reason. My car was parked directly in front of a parking information pole that contained no warning about the suspension of parking in my bay. Nearby was another pole that did contain a warning. But as it was not the nearest one to my car at the time and because I didn't see it in any case, I was under the impression that it was OK to park where I did.

This picture illustrates the situation:

I was parked on the right of the tree, where you see the white car (it's not mine). Unlike the car in the picture, I was parked facing forwards, so when I got out, I could directly look up and see no special warnings on the pole nearest the space where I had parked. The warning was on the pole to the left of the tree, which is also set further back from the road.

I decided to send in a copy of this picture and mention that I was intending to appeal. This weekend I got a letter in the mail informing me:

"After carefully considering your case, and without prejudice to our position, we have decided to cancel this parking ticket (PCN).

But please note that the parking bays were properly suspended and sign(s) to that effect displayed on street giving at least seven days notice.

If you get another ticket for the same reason, I am afraid we may not be able to cancel it."

If you get a ticket that you feel has been applied unfairly, do what I did. Take pictures and send them in instead of payment. Let them know that you want to appeal. I'm told that 60 per cent of appeals succeed!

_ DY at 7:58 PM BST
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