Friday, 28 October 2005 - 1:11 PM BST
David Young
I don't think that it would have helped Cameron to make a detailed specific speech at that time. However he has laid out his thoughts. See this Times article -,,17129-1837542,00.html
The last paragraph shows him to view things as I do:
"Just as there were figures in the 1930s who misunderstood the totalitarian wickedness of Nazism and argued that Hitler had a rational set of limited political demands, so there are people today who try to explain jihadist violence with reference to a limited set of political goals. If only, some argue, we withdrew from Iraq, or Israel made massive concessions, then we would assuage jihadist anger.
That argument . . . is as limited as the belief in the 1930s that, by allowing Germany to remilitarise the Rhineland or take over the Sudetenland, we would satisfy Nazi ambitions. A willingness to cede ground and duck confrontation is interpreted as fatal weakness."