Topic: Misc.
I've been getting some phone calls from 0870 numbers on my mobile lately. Last week I answered one, only for the line to go dead. I was a bit suspicious, but dialled the number back to find out what was going on.
The phone was answered with 'Hello, mumbled word Telecom. Have you had a missed call?' After I answered yes she said: 'Can we just confirm that you are still an Orange customer and that your contract...?'
I said: 'I'm not having this conversation. Please delete this number from your database and don't call me again'.
Can you believe the nerve of these people? They want to do sales over the phone and they want YOU to pay for the call! Incredible.
I'm thinking of asking Orange to bar calls from 0870 numbers. But before I do, can anyone think of a legitimate reason why I might get a call from one?