Topic: Politics
Over at the Hendon Mob forum, 'Lancy Howard' links to a documentary that alleges a US conspiracy on 9-11. I have watched it and wish to refute its conclusions:
I sat and watched that documentary as you suggested and do feel that it raises certain questions and displays some inconsistencies in the official version of events. But I don't think that the evidence presented supports the conclusion that the US government was behind the attacks. In any large event, it's not hard to find inconsistencies. The documentary itself shows how eye witnesses can often disagree on vital details. Merely showing differences isn't enough to persuade me of a conspiracy. A similar tactic is used by Holocaust deniers who look for inconsistencies in the survivors' accounts to promote the idea of a hoax. In an event that involved so many millions, it's not hard to find inaccurate accounts and conflicting versions of events from traumatised people. But this doesn't mean that the holocaust didn't happen.
Physical evidence is of course preferable and the video does a decent job of finding inconsistencies, but it's not hard to find a site online that refutes the Pentagon issues:
A refutation.
I've not had time to examine all of this fully.
Much of the story suffers from another problem - the "comparison with a vacuum". For instance, we're shown fireman talk of explosions. So what? What other word would they use to describe what they say? None of them had scene a jumbo jet fly into a skyscraper before, so they used the vocabulary that they knew.
Another instance - the point that no building has been brought down by fire before. Well, on how many other occasions has this exact same thing happened before? We're told that the fuel doesn't burn to a high enough temperature to cause the alleged damage but unless you recreate the exact same circumstances again, you don't know whether there were other reactions within the buildings that took place for 'innocent' reasons that could have caused the damage.
I don't know what the grainy footage of the plane's crashing was meant to suggest. The shiny rectangle on the site of the plane just before it hit one of the towers didn't prove anything to me. Neither did the dark shadow under the other. The film was much too grainy to discount the possibility of simple shadows and reflections.
Furthermore, it's worth pointing out that the Pentagon is not a typical building. What a plane does hitting a normal building says nothing about what a plane would do hitting the world's largest office, with the toughest security wall in the world. And I also think it would take a very confident Donald Rumsfeld to place himself anywhere in the building knowing that it would be hit, regardless of how well planned his supposed adventure was. His own life would have been on the line!
We are invited to believe that a conspiracy occured that would have involved thousands of people in a cover-up. And none of the conspirators have had an attack of conscience after four years? How hard would it be for one of them to travel to a hostile or neutral country to spill the beans? Once one does it, other would follow. Yet we hear nothing.
Even if you do accept a government conspiracy to plant bombs in the twin towers, it wouldn't necessarily have to be the govt of the US. Iranian agents have been caught taking photographs of the tunnels leading into Manhattan (Lincoln and Holland).
The video makes no serious attempt to explain where the missing planes are that 'didn't' hit the WTC. It leaves that totally in the air, so to speak. Nor does it follow through its own logic and explain how at least TWO conspirators were persuaded to fly suicide missions. What would you have to be paid to kill yourself?
Then there is the question of motive. None is supplied. Bush had won election less than one year earlier and had three years left to run. It's hardly an election year 'October surprise', is it? If the purpose was to support a war to bolster his popularity then you have to ask why Bush would think that war would boost his popularity. His own father had fought and won a war against Iraq, yet still lost the next election, just as Bush's hero Winston Churchill did in 1945. If this was to somehow support war against Iraq, would they not have planted fake evidence of Iraqi involvment? And why did they wait so long afterwards before going to war?
If the purpose was to support war against Afghanistan, then why? What vital resources does it have? None! What possible strategic benefit would there have been? Don't believe that rubbish about a vital pipeline. That has been thoroughly debunked.
Not a lot makes sense here.
Bush wrote (or had written) a book of his philosophy a few years before. In the book 'A charge to keep', one chapter is devoted to explaining his opposition to the entire idea of 'nation building' - the total oppositie of his current plan in Iraq and Afghanistan.
If the purpose had somehow been to make Bush look like a heroic leader, why was it timed to happen when he was being filmed reading a book about a girl's pet goat to a group of young schoolchildren? Nothing he did on that day has ever been made to look heroic.
I could sit and think of other problems with this video if I had the time and energy, but for now I think that will do. I'm sure that the official report made some mistakes. It may have cut corners. But that's a million miles away from supporting a conspiracy theory.
_ DY
at 8:52 PM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 29 December 2005 9:12 PM GMT