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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Tuesday, 17 January 2006
My obsession, in any language.
Topic: Misc.
It's about time I told readers of my curious obsession. I love buying teach-yourself language books. I don't mean the ones that only aim to impart a few phrases for people on brief holidays. No, I want the ones that teach the entire grammar and syntax.

I've long admired those who can learn the language of another country. When I came out of the film 'JFK', I was struck by the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald had learned to speak fluent Russian. I can speak reasonable German and French and a bit of Russian and got into Portuguese for a while in the late 90s. But I'm not fluent in anything. It remains my fantasy to become fluently multilingual, rather like the Matt Damon character in The Bourne Identity. I know that's utterly absurd, but a man can dream, can't he?

For the time being though, buying the books is about as far as I get. I hate myself for not finishing any of them, but that's one of the drawbacks of having played so much online poker in the last few years. You feel that you should be at the PC earning money all the time.

Somewhere in the middle of the photo below there is 'Teach youself Norwegian'. I bought that because I wanted to be able to read Vampus Verden, written by the 'Nordic Eva Braun' (copyright Jamie) who commented about Hurricane Katrina here.

I'm reminded of her today, as I've just learned that she won the 'Best Political Blog' award in Norway's second biggest Newspaper, Dagbladet. There's hope for Norway yet!

Friday, 20 January 2006 - 1:13 PM GMT

Name: The Truth

David, have you ever thought that it is people like you who drove Hitler to do the stuff that he did? Zionist scum that is selfish and screw people over. Why have Jews been hated so much by so many people?

Britain (the West for that matter)are directly affected by Zionists. Here we have a religion (Islam) that is probably more peaceful than Christianity and Judism. It has been taken over by a small radical sect. Thats their problem. However I cannot blame the Palestinian people at all. Israel shouldnt be there, it not their land and they should be wiped off the map.

With regards to America and Britains problems,they boil down to Israel. The Zionist neo cons who run America are basically the same people who run Israel. This is where the problem lies. I am still waiting for you to say why you are really pro Israel. Saying "because I would rather live there" is a joke. It shows you up for the scum that you are.

ps since you know so much about Jews can you tell me why so many of them are inbred? You can actually tell by looking at their features and also see this from the genetic problems that they suffer from. There is a good book called the 13th tribe. Maybe you should read it.

Friday, 20 January 2006 - 7:28 PM GMT

Name: The Geneticist

Judging by this post, the only person who is inbred is you.

Friday, 20 January 2006 - 7:55 PM GMT

Name: David Young

Does anyone think that 'the truth' deserves a response? Is he for real or is this just a wind-up?


Saturday, 21 January 2006 - 6:48 PM GMT

I think that "The Truth" is for real and you should respond to their post.

Saturday, 21 January 2006 - 9:02 PM GMT

Name: David Young

Ok then, here goes.:

David, have you ever thought that it is people like you who drove Hitler to do the stuff that he did?

Quite honestly, no.

Zionist scum that is selfish and screw people over.

Are you saying that Hitler massacred millions of people to prevent the creation of Israel? That's quite a re-writing of history!

Why have Jews been hated so much by so many people?

I don't think they are hated in civilised societies. But not everyone lives in a civilised society. The answer to your question though is that Jews reject both Jesus and Mohammed. Some fundamentalists of both faiths have held grudges because of this. In the case of Christianity, the gospel of St John is very nasty about Jews. And Martin Luther, the founder of protestantism was a vile anti-semite. In the case of Islam, Mohammed brought his new faith to jews and expected them to embrace it. When they didn't, he hated them. There is also the fact that judaism doesn't seek converts, though it does accept them. To conspiracy freaks, it makes them look like the freemasons or some other secret society. Some people can't resist getting paranoid about organisations they don't belong to.

Britain (the West for that matter)are directly affected by Zionists.

No, we are not. We might be said to be indirectly affected, but not all that much.

Here we have a religion (Islam) that is probably more peaceful than Christianity and Judism.

You're kidding, right?

It has been taken over by a small radical sect.

True. There are two big factors in play here. The first is the geological accident of much of the world's oil resources being located under the region of arabia with the most backward-looking strain of Islam (wahabism). This was a minor branch of Islam a century ago, but it has now spread its message, using Saudi oil money, to south-east asia, the west and the rest of the middle-east. The second factor is the failure of communism. This has discredited secular ideology and tempted people back to religion. As proof, see this extract from a letter sent in January 1989 by Ayatollah Khomeini to Mikhail Gorbachev, inviting him to convert to Islam and explaining that the Soviet Union's collapse was due to a failure to emrace religion:

"First of all, the path that would ensure your success is your revision and modification of the path of your predecessors – who distanced themselves from God and religion. This thinking has dealt a great blow to the people of the Soviet Union. You must know that there is only one way to solve the problems of the world – and that is turning to the truth. Your country's main problem is not ownership, economics, or freedom. Your main problem is the lack of true belief in God"

Thats their problem.

No, actually it's our problem too. How can you get this so mixed up? If UK citizens are killing themselves and others on the London Underground because of something that an Islamic sect has taught them to believe, then it's our problem.

However I cannot blame the Palestinian people at all.

Really? Not for anything? Is there nothing they have done that appalls you? Not the bombings of pizza parlours full of teenagers, not the shootings of children in Israel? Nothing? If not, then perhaps you're the bigot. I mean it. You're excusing all sorts of savagery because deep down you don't think they are capable of anything better. That's the racism of low expectations.

Israel shouldnt be there, it not their land and they should be wiped off the map.

There have always been jews in the area that is now Israel - since recorded history began. So some of it is and always has been their land. Many centuries later, jews arrived from Spain fleeing the Inquisition. And during the late 1800s and early 1900s, jews came from Europe and BOUGHT land. They tracked down the legal owners of the land (mostly absentee landlords in Damascus) and paid money for it. Local arabs didn't always like it, but compared to the settlement of Australia, India, American and Canada by the British, this was mild stuff. A chequebook is not a gun.

The borders that Israel has now are not the borders it was awarded by the UN in 1947. It voted to accept the UN offer, which had created a non-contiguous Israel in which jews were the majority, and some of the non-jews were Christians who would be outnumbered if they were in a muslim one too. The arab neighbours invaded in 1948 and Israel fought a defensive war, which it won. After winning, it moved into other areas in order to create a frontier that was easier to defend. This was entirely fair as it had not initiated the war. A similar thing happened in 1967 when again Israel was attacked and again won a war to prevent a genocide against its people. Once again, Israel expanded. And this was totally fair. It's only right that those who initiate a war and lose should sacrifice territory. Otherwise there is no disincentive to prevent them trying again.

So if you want to get angry about Israel being on land that it should not have, then you should blame Jordan, Syria etc for invading it.

With regards to America and Britains problems, they boil down to Israel.

Oh yes ... those jewish suicide attackers who plough into skyscrapers. What were their names again?

And those L.A. crime wars between the Crips and the Bloods, everyone of them is a Rosenburg, a Cohen, a Reichman or a Dershowitz.

The Zionist neo cons who run America are basically the same people who run Israel.

Really? So who is the Condoleeza Rice of Israeli politics?

This is where the problem lies.

Don't be daft. There are more Arab Americans than Jewish Americans, so the electoral arithmetic behind pandering to jews at the expense of arabs doesn't stack up unless the wider American public has some sympathy for Israel, which it does. American jews live mostly in three states - California, New York and Florida. The first two of those are solidly Democrat voting and unlikely to sway in elections. Pandering to the zionist vote for them would be utterly pointless. Only Florida is really a close one and there it's more important to have the hispanics on board than the jews.

And anyway most US jews vote Democrat, not republican. Your 'blame the wicked US zionists' theory doesn't stack up to any critical examination. Israel has reasonably broad support in the US, not only from jews.

I am still waiting for you to say why you are really pro Israel.

Perhaps the only valid point you make. I shall come up with something eventually.

Saying "because I would rather live there" is a joke. It shows you up for the scum that you are.

Actually I think it's a very valid reason. The scum are people who praise places like Cuba on a brief visit and then run back to room service in Beverly Hills after the photo-opportunity with Fidel is over.

ps since you know so much about Jews can you tell me why so many of them are inbred? You can actually tell by looking at their features and also see this from the genetic problems that they suffer from.

Not aware of this. The chief problem with inbreeding in the UK is with the Pakistani-British community:

There is a good book called the 13th tribe. Maybe you should read it.

Read about it online. I was left with a profound feeling of 'so what'?

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