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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Wednesday, 3 May 2006
Steyn on the Palestine panacea.
Topic: Politics
A writer to Mark Steyn says what some people, including some readers of this blog, think:

Thanks, for your opinions. My, opinion, is: give back Palestine, to the Palestinians. Then the Middle East problems would be gone. And, no 9-11.

Dave Salvador
Hanford, California

MARK REPLIES: Who's gonna "give" it back? You? Is it yours? Is it the international community’s? And if you're giving it "back" to someone, shouldn't the British and the Turks be first in line? And, if we have to "give back" territory, can we give back your town to the Mexicans? Oh, and if you think Palestine is the root cause of 9/11 then perhaps you should read the texts of Osama bin Laden's various keynote addresses, where it's a lower priority than the US troops in Saudi Arabia and the end of the Caliphate in 1922 and the fall of Andalucia in 1492 and even the independence of East Timor. A whole lotta givin' back in there.

It's easy to take refuge in the "soft option". Even assuming you could take Palestine off the Israelis and give it to someone else, that would make not a jot of difference to the spread of the Islamist ideology. Indeed, in Europe – which is, after all, where the 9/11 cell was formed – Bosnia and Chechnya were far bigger motivators for Islamism. But dream on. A lot of other folks are.

I should stress that this isn't an argument against Palestinians getting something called Palestine. That may or may not be the right thing. The point is that it's not the cure-for-all-ills that some people think it is.

_ DY at 10:20 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 4 May 2006 1:25 PM BST
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Thursday, 4 May 2006 - 2:16 PM BST

You love backing losers DY...,,1766614,00.html

Neither islam nor capitalism have the answers.

Thursday, 4 May 2006 - 6:19 PM BST

Name: David Young

I'm used to getting some bizarre feedback, but this one is in a class of itself. To follow the logic, you have to think that there is a crisis in the heart of capitalism because, get this, Americans are lending money to other Americans.

High levels of indebtedness are certainly far from ideal, but I'm not sure where 'backing a loser' comes into play. Explain please,


Thursday, 4 May 2006 - 8:00 PM BST

US government debt is debt held by a majority of foreign investors, who can pull the plug when needs be. Probably when the US economy is no longer number 1 or even 2 in the not to distant future.

The US finances its follies with 30 year T-bills. Sold to Arab and Asian countries for them to buy US consummer goods. When China is the number 1 world economy US T-bills might not be so attractive.

Consummer debt is still debt. It is illusory but still needs to be printed. Printing your way out of trouble can only lead to 1920s style hyperinflation and crashes.

At least with the gold standard a country's net worth was tangible. Now it is worth whatever you can get away with either by bluff or military bluster. The US and to a slightly lesser extent Western Europe have been doing this for too long. As the western economies begin to wane and the BRIC economies take over then we are going to have to get used to living as second class citizens.

US and Western power is on the way out. The New World Order will do without them.

Thursday, 4 May 2006 - 9:25 PM BST

And another thing...

Why do you look at the world through tired old 20th century eyes?

Democracy? Playing by the rules?

The world has left you behind.

The population gets larger by the second. Usable land deminishes by the second. Valuable resources dwindle by the second.

Your demographic worries are unimportant. Nature will see to that.

Do you think China's desire to be the number 1 economy is going to dump its new brand of capitalism because you think it isn't playing by the rules?

If China wants to outbid your backward countries for the world's resources then it will.

Just as Spain and the US outbid the UK for LPG deliveries during the last winter. China will do the same to the rest of the world and won't care which despot it signs the deal with.

The true realities of this world are deminishing easy supplies of energy and resources not some 1500 year old spat between the Sons of Abraham.

Get real. Get up to date. Get your head out of the sand. The future powers of the world don't give a toss about non-oil producing parts of the mid-east.

Thursday, 4 May 2006 - 11:12 PM BST

Name: David Young

I'm still more interested in the demographics. Who's around is more important than what's left underground.

As far as borrowing is concerned, this is of interest:

Global savings glut


Friday, 5 May 2006 - 1:04 AM BST

Taking your demography woes to their ultimate conclusion then why not add Welsh language books to your collection?

After all, it was the language of the original people inhabiting the area you currently inhabit.

True Britons are Celts not Anglo-Saxons masquerading as indigenous people. They were here before Saxons like yourself showed up like Muslim interlopers.

If you care for one culture/civilisation being overrun then you must care for all.

"Ah but it happened long ago."

In that case, if the Kingdom of Israel is ancient and the forces of Islam displaced it then so be it. It was, after all, a long time ago.

It doesn't matter who is around to inherit the mess that is this planet. It's how they look after it that matters. The simplicity of Islam would appear better adapted to cope in a resource depleted world than airline hopping, materialist, fringe living, urbanites like yourself.

Friday, 5 May 2006 - 2:22 PM BST

Civilisations come and go.

Read up on Oscar Spengler.

If the west declines through birth rate, decadence or general stupidity then you DY are as much to blame as anyone else.

So, get off the high horse and do something constructive about it.

It would appear that you have but two choices.

1) Get your dick out and start breeding.

2) Start a world war and stop others from breeding.

I think I would prefer the 2nd if only to remove you from the gene pool.

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