Topic: Politics
A writer to Mark Steyn says what some people, including some readers of this blog, think:
Thanks, for your opinions. My, opinion, is: give back Palestine, to the Palestinians. Then the Middle East problems would be gone. And, no 9-11.
Dave Salvador
Hanford, California
MARK REPLIES: Who's gonna "give" it back? You? Is it yours? Is it the international community’s? And if you're giving it "back" to someone, shouldn't the British and the Turks be first in line? And, if we have to "give back" territory, can we give back your town to the Mexicans? Oh, and if you think Palestine is the root cause of 9/11 then perhaps you should read the texts of Osama bin Laden's various keynote addresses, where it's a lower priority than the US troops in Saudi Arabia and the end of the Caliphate in 1922 and the fall of Andalucia in 1492 and even the independence of East Timor. A whole lotta givin' back in there.
It's easy to take refuge in the "soft option". Even assuming you could take Palestine off the Israelis and give it to someone else, that would make not a jot of difference to the spread of the Islamist ideology. Indeed, in Europe – which is, after all, where the 9/11 cell was formed – Bosnia and Chechnya were far bigger motivators for Islamism. But dream on. A lot of other folks are.
I should stress that this isn't an argument against Palestinians getting something called Palestine. That may or may not be the right thing. The point is that it's not the cure-for-all-ills that some people think it is.