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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Sunday, 7 May 2006
Mohammed Afroze.
Topic: Politics
Hat tip to James Feeny for pointing me to a page on the British National Party's website, which claims that a fifth bomb was intended to explode in the London Tube network on July 7th, directly underneath the Thames, thereby drowning thousands of passengers. Allegedly the police foiled the attack the day before.

I can't give a lot of credence to the story, given its source. While I don't want to call the Party liars on my blog, I can imagine some readers of this blog drawing the conclusion that the story has been fabricated to create animosity towards foreigners and non-white Britons. So that isn't why I mention it.

Instead, what I find interesting about the whole affair is that there is someone in jail right now charged with plotting to destroy Tower Bridge and the House of Commons on September 11th 2001. And I'm fairly sure that most people have never heard of him. His name is Mohammed Afroze and he's serving a seven-year jail term in India for "criminal conspiracy, conspiracy to disturb relations between friendly nations, and forging documents".

The Times has the story here:,,3-1705386,00.html

I find it remarkable that this story is never discussed. If someone in the BNP thought that a scare story about more bombings in London would get them publicity, they were wrong.

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 3:58 PM BST

I see you've entered into the spirit of Fear Politics too.

If people want to support the BNP then that is their democratic wish. We don't need people like you or in the media or in other political parties undemocratically rubbishing a political party with lies.

You were keen to see Hamas elected so they can prove their merit or otherwise.

The BNP should be allowed to do likewise and be judged by their deeds. If the people are tired of the Labour party and the lame alternatives and wish to vote BNP then they should.

Europe will turn to the far right either democratically or because the current parties in power throughout Europe adopt draconian measures to keep control in a more chaotic world.

Will you be first or last in the queue for an ID card? More CCTV cameras in the streets? More parts of London where demonstrating is illegal? More fake security alerts to keep you on your toes?

You appear to have the memory of a gold fish otherwise you don't particularly care about the erosion of your liberties during the past 9 years.

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 4:19 PM BST

Name: David Young

What does this rant have to do with what I've written? I am sceptical about some of the BNP's claims. I have the right to say this and I've said it. How is that anti-democratic?

You appear to have the memory of a goldfish. At the time of the last election, I said that the BNP had come up with the most interesting new idea of any of the parties.

What I wrote then (last paragraph).


Monday, 8 May 2006 - 12:55 AM BST

Name: James Feeny

The anonymous poster is obviously disillusioned. I think Hamas failing democratically is a situation which is totally different to our state of affairs here in Britain. Thinking that the BNP should be given a chance to fail democratically is a load of rubbish.

I believe Mr Young’s point about Hamas failing democratically is due to their being major support of that particular party in Palestine. If Palestinians see Hamas fail democratically they might change their views and hope for a different way of life.

In Britain there is a tiny minority for the BNP. Some people might choose to vote for them purely as a protest vote. The majority of the British National Party’s supporters are ignorant people. In Britain, voting is not considered of major importance, certainly not as much as it should be, such as in other countries. What the BNP has to realise is that our country relies on immigrants to help the economy. However, the amount of asylum seekers we have is a joke, but that is a different issue. Try explaining economics to the average illiterate BNP supporter, see how far you will get.

Sure we have problems in our country. People who have read what I say will testify that I am usually among the first to address this. What you have to realise is that when someone is looking in from the outside, it is very easy to comment on problems. If you truly believe that the BNP would do a better job for this country, I pity you. I agree with one of their policies: the number of asylum seekers would be down. The downside though, would outweigh this. Voting for the BNP is not the answer. It is actually quite irrelevant because they will never come in power. It is just that the sad supporters that they do have will probably stay disillusioned till their dying days.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 12:30 PM BST

"What the BNP has to realise is that our country relies on immigrants to help the economy."

Why does/should the country rely on immigrants?

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 2:33 PM BST

What doesn’t make sense with the BNP claim is the government's reluctance to take credit for what would have been a major security coup. Not only that, but the failure of any other media outlet to mention the story suggests that it’s fabricated.

What next? Tony Blair’s a lizard?

“Why does/should the country rely on immigrants?”

Well, let’s be honest here, someone’s got to shovel shit, and us white folks aren’t keen on doing it.

Also, the fact that all those middle class homeowners looking to secure their pensions via 'buy to let' second homes, are happy to employ cheap easten European labour to do up their properties. These people obviously undercut the local brickes and chippies which in turn leads to disillusionmeent in the traditonal white working class tradesman, which in turn persuades some of them to turn to the BNP.

Oh yeah, never forget that lots of white people are stupid ignorant racists.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 2:37 PM BST

Name: James Feeny

I am not saying that our country should rely on immigrants. I am saying that it does.

However, in Britain we do not manufacture much anymore. A lot gets made in China. Look at how far their country has come along. They have extremely cheap labour. This is where we rely on immigrants.

If you want to read a little about our manufacturing read this:

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 2:41 PM BST

Name: James Feeny

Good point about the buy to let homes and eastern european labour...

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 3:45 PM BST

"Oh yeah, never forget that lots of white people are stupid ignorant racists."

Being a racist doesn't necessarily mean that you are stupid and ignorant.

The Asian economies are booming and they have strong anti-immigration policies.

China has no immigrant work force. Japan has very strict controls on outside seasonal labour. You can't even visit the country for a holiday without a return ticket.

The seeds of disaster are being sown in the west whilst the BRIC economies forge ahead with what the Liberals might call racist economic policies. China has oil drilling contracts with many African countries. It brings in all the labour from China to do the job, in a closed Chinese community, subsisting on imported Chinese food. Westerners look very foolish right now.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 4:53 PM BST

You are a retard.

In China the people who work their bollocks off are skint. They get paid fuck all. It was a Communist dictatorship which is very slowly turning to capitalism.

Britain is totally different and you can not compare the two. In Britain the immigrant's were the ones who had the low paid jobs which people did not want to do.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 5:14 PM BST

"Being a racist doesn't necessarily mean that you are stupid and ignorant."

I think it does.

You're talking about economic protectionism practised by a country. I was referring to individuals who discrimate against other individuals because of their race.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 6:50 PM BST

Name: David Young

Oh dear.

This is all gettting away from the point. I didn't really want to talk about immigration or even the BNP particularly. What I find remarkable is that there is a man in jail for plotting to attack the House of Commons on 9-11 and nobody ever talks about it.

One source I've read, I think it's the Times article, says that the police here aren't even interested in extraditing him. Why is this? I wonder whether there is an assumption that Afroze's confession was forced out of him. I don't know anything about the Indian justice system. I do know that false claims of torture are common from Al Qaeda.

But why is this never talked about? If Afroze is guilty, it shows that Britain was a target for Islamic terrorists long before the war in Iraq.


Monday, 8 May 2006 - 7:01 PM BST

"In China the people who work their bollocks off are skint. They get paid fuck all. It was a Communist dictatorship which is very slowly turning to capitalism."

They are obviously not skint as can be seen from the thousands of shopping malls being built in Chinese cities. I can honestly see a time when charity workers are on the streets collecting money for the poor of Europe.

"You are a retard."

And, by the way, you are a knee-jerk reactionary who doesn't know why he stands against racism other than it seems like a fashionable thing to do. As can be seen by most us not using our names for fear of being ostracised in the Thought Police State that is Labour run Britain.

"Britain is totally different and you can not compare the two. In Britain the immigrant's were the ones who had the low paid jobs which people did not want to do."

Then the unemployed must have their benefits cut for not doing these jobs. When you are poor you cannot pick and chose.

"You're talking about economic protectionism practised by a country. I was referring to individuals who discriminate against other individuals because of their race."

We are all racists. It is genetically inbred to discriminate. Be it for blondes over brunettes or whites over blacks. There would be no races if early humans were not discriminatory. Maybe you have a ground breaking theory for racial differentiation that anthropologists know nothing of?

Japan and China are racist countries. Blacks are commonly regarded as inferior with whites not far behind. I guess you know nothing of the Far Eastern campaign during WW2. These beliefs leads to the protectionism. Not only of business but of racial purity. I say this as a person that knows the Orient well.

The west shoots itself in the foot with its race relations laws. Asia does not have them, the mid-east does not have them, nor Africa or Latin America. Take the world's resources for example. Whilst western countries are worrying about the ethics of trading with certain countries, China marches in takes it all without a care.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 10:10 PM BST

I think when someone said that the Chinese workers were skint, they were referring to the WORKERS. My God you are so thick.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 10:11 PM BST

Muhammad cartoons in detail -

Jihad Watch -

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 12:19 AM BST

So skint that they head off to the shops to fill their boots.

9% growth year on year.

The UK will be lucky to get over 1.2% this year.

China is the way forward. Take the plunge or see your job head to India.

I watch CCTV-9 and PCNE everyday. There are tens of cities on the Chinese coast and each one puts London to shame.

London is a toilet. The future is China.

I don't think I'm as thick as to think that the streets of London are still paved with gold.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 12:34 AM BST

You are very thick. What I am saying is that the country has money (and a select few) but the workers have jack shit. It is still a dictatorship. If that is what you believe in then fine. What you have to understand is that the country has money, not the people.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 11:06 AM BST

"We are all racists. It is genetically inbred to discriminate. "

This is where you're wrong. We're a mongrel race comprising elements from virtually any nation you care to mention.

However, this doesn't stop certain cretins discriminating against a particular group, be they Poles, Irish, Russians, Germans. They're the same race as us and yet some folks choose to discriminate against them because they weren't born here.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 12:21 PM BST

"You are very thick. What I am saying is that the country has money (and a select few) but the workers have jack shit. It is still a dictatorship. If that is what you believe in then fine. What you have to understand is that the country has money, not the people."

Have you seen the streets of Chinese cities?

I have.

They are packed with thousands of ordinary people unloading their bulging wallets.

It is not like the Soviet Union with one or two hard currency shops attended by Communist Party members.

There are THOUSANDS of shops in China full of MILLIONS of ordinary Chinese workers.

They have taken a failing western model and reinvented it. Called Totalitarian Capitalism, it works and it's coming to a country near you.

Western governments know their time is up. Bleeding jobs and services to the rest of the world. Economies drifting down the league table. New (BRIC) economies taking over.

The world's resources dwindling and in the hands of non-westerners. Enjoy your last moments in the toilet that is London.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 2:59 PM BST

Name: David Young

Can you tell me whom I need to speak to in order to get smuggled into this nirvana you call China? I have an urge to do dangerous cockle picking on the Yangtzee for five Yuan a day.


Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 5:27 PM BST

You can't expect full employment in a country of 1,300 million souls. The uneducated will always be duped into dangerous occupations. Just like the English cockle pickers who work alongside Chinese.

Chinese cities operate a visa system. Not all rural workers are allowed to move to the city to work otherwise there would be a collapse of the farming industry.

Capitalists will always try to get the most for their money. Here or in China. That is why industrial jobs have fled the UK. Service jobs are also fleeing to Bombay where the population speaks better English than Londoners who seem unable to move their mandibles.

The thought of you DY doing any job is most amusing. All work is beneath you.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 - 5:30 PM BST

Message from the President of Iran.

It could almost have been written for the one or two people reading this site.


"Liberalism and Western-style democracy have not been able to help realise the ideals of humanity. Today these two concepts have failed. Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems."

Wednesday, 10 May 2006 - 2:23 PM BST

48 new airports for China.,,1771219,00.html

48 new benefit offices for UK.

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