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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Wednesday, 10 May 2006
Energy? Oh that's free!
Topic: Misc.
I was looking at Wikipedia this morning, doing some background reading as I do every day, when I decided to check out estimates of the oil deposits under the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. I'm interested to know how long the US could survive without foreign oil. The estimate I found is that there is enough to supply 100 per cent of the US's needs for between 215 and 590 days.

Taking one year as a rough mid-range and adding this to the stocks held privately and in the Strategic Petroleum reserve (another five months combined) gives 17 months, excluding production from California and Texas, for which I don't have the figures. That gives America about a year and a half of independent foreign policy.

Of course in reality it's hard to imagine the US not being supplied by Canada, which is already its largest foreign supplier. And there's Mexico too, which is unlikely to cut supplies to the US. I reckon that the US could survive without Middle-Eastern oil longer than the Middle-East could survive without US money.

But it's all irrelevant as it turns out, at least if the British hacker wanted for extradition to the US is correct. He insists that while hacking into the computers of all the US armed forces, plus the Department of Defence and NASA, he uncovered evidence that the US is covering up the discovery of alien technology

So that's it folks. No need to worry about Hubbert's peak, the Chinese in Sudan or any of the other bugbears that bother my most persistent readers. Just get that alien technology in your car!

It would be great if it were true. Alas I fear someone is setting up a great insanity defence.

_ DY at 9:49 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 10:01 PM BST
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Wednesday, 10 May 2006 - 10:36 PM BST

Your figures are based on the US using at least 20 millions barrels per day? Just checking.

1) Not all US oil reserves can sustain the US. It is the light sweet crude that is used for petrol manufacture. Not all oil is light sweet.

2) Canada's "vast" reserves are based on oil shales. These are dependent on ordinary crude oil prices being rediculously high so that oil shale production can turn a profit.

3) Mexican oil fields are now in decline. Especially Mexico's mega-field Cantarel.

4) Now and again you hear of "giant oil field discoveries". But only of 100 million barrels or so. Five days oil for the US.

5) The US is now suffering from the "just in time" manufacturing process with regards to oil. There is very little over capacity in world refining, hence the high price of oil. Too many chasing too little oil.

6) China intends building its own strategic oil reserve thus competing for more oil contracts.

7) As GW said, "The US is addicted to oil" but it may not matter in the future because another article of interest is this -

RIP Neo-Cons, the US will be a laid back Spanish speaking Latin American country with a slower pace of life.

8) Alien stuff. 10/10 bonkers. But, who needs cars when you have taxis?

Saturday, 13 May 2006 - 1:22 AM BST

Name: zionist inside str8 poker

What about this loon Chavez in venezuela.?
He seems hell bent on tax raping or nationalising western oil interests.
He's very close to similar revolutionaries in latin america, and he loves robert mugabe too.
Shouldn't we invade?

Saturday, 13 May 2006 - 2:41 AM BST

Name: David Young

Actually I think it's Brazil that's been screwed most. Petrobras had made substantial investments in Bolivia. I'd like to see what Brazil does.


Saturday, 13 May 2006 - 2:44 AM BST

Name: David Young

Brazil suspends investment.

Saturday, 13 May 2006 - 9:43 AM BST

The end of oil requires oil producing countries to look after number one.

Good luck to them!

At least the US/UK can't invade all of them at once.

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