Topic: Misc.
I live under the flightpath to Heathrow. It's a mixed blessing. Sometimes I sit on the balcony and gaze up in wonder at the planes overhead. Later, when back inside, I curse the noise they make. This week saw the first visit to the UK of the Airbus 380. It's designed to be bigger, more fuel efficient and best of all from my perspective, quieter than its predecessors.
Notice that I don't say faster. I was checking out its details on the BBC website and was reminded of something that Roger Kirkham wrote last year over at Roger's Rants:
"[H]ere's a hard-to-believe dirty little secret about civil aviation known only to anoracks and insiders:
Over the past 40 years or so, civil aircraft have become slower. Yes, slower. Not just a fraction slower either - we're taking about 15% slower as compared to the faster models in service from the mid 1960s to the late 1970s. And that 15% isn't trivial over the distances jets cover - add that amount to the ratbastard tedium of a ten hour flight back in 1965 and you get an extra hour and a half of bored-to-tears-misery in 2005. 90 minutes of time - the one commodity you can never buy back.
To make this regression even more painful, new slower aircraft are designed to have less space per person inside, and the inside itself is colder and less airconditioned than ever before (leg room, cabin heating, and a/c all cost money). There's no magic wand to solve all this overnight, but the A380 may be a step in the right direction. It's claimed to cruise at the very fast speed of 630mph, a useful 25mph faster than its rival Boeing 747, although incredibly, still slower than the legendary Convair 900 series from the 1960s, with hindsight the biggest lost opportunity in civil aviation history."
I'm therefore saddened to see that according to a comparison on the BBC's website, the Airbus 380 (Mach 0.85) is actually slower than the Boeing 747(Mach 0.855):
Can anyone comment on this?