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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Saturday, 17 June 2006
Extraordinary scenes from poker and chess.
Topic: Poker
There's been a lot of rubbish written about online poker on the Gutshot forum recently. I don't know who these people are who think that you get more freak outdraws online than live. I've never seen any evidence for it myself. I can sit and play online for hours and hours and never see much that's out of the ordinary.

Just for the sake of it, here's a hand I saw live in an omaha game at the Western yesterday night. On a flop of:

Jc 9d 8c

two players got all their money in.

A had Qs Ac Qd Td

B had Ad 5d Qc Tc

so they both had the nut straight, while B was freerolling on the clubs. In the event though, the next two cards came Jd, 8d to give A the backdoor straight-flush! What was particularly annoying for B was that he had the nut diamond draw, so he couldn't lose to a backdoor diamond flush. Ouch!

Changing the subject for no reason ...

I look at every day for their daily puzzles. The problems start off easy on a Monday and get progressively more difficult until Sunday when there is no point in trying to work it out, you just go straight to the answer and find out what 14 move combination Spassky inflicted on so-and-so at the Leningrad interzonal in 1963 etc.

I used to spend ages studying chess. Eventually it annoyed me that I didn't seem to get any better at it. I've wasted a lot of time looking at games played by people much better than me. Much of it goes over my head. But it's worth it every now and then when you find a gem like this one:

Petrosian v Pachman, 1961

Petrosian's final combination is a thing of beauty. Just once in my life I would like to find a killer move like 21.Bg7

_ DY at 12:35 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 17 June 2006 2:15 PM BST
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Monday, 19 June 2006 - 1:51 AM BST

Name: David Young

One thought I've had about the integrity of online poker (which people are STILL debating on the Gutshot forum) is this:

In general

- the people I would expect to win at it do win

- the people I would expect to lose at it do lose.

Hardly scientific I know, but it's why my gut instinct is to trust it.


Monday, 19 June 2006 - 12:05 PM BST

Name: Baby Jane

Good to know you still enjoy my work sweetie.


Monday, 19 June 2006 - 1:32 PM BST

Name: David Young

Just checked it out on twodimes. Of the 820 ways that the next two cards can come, 485 lead to a tie, 318 give hand B the win and a mere 17 (ie 2 per cent) give hand A the win! That's fairly brutal.

I had a similar one against Gary Jones in the Vic once. I raised with AAJJ and he called me in the blinds. On a flop of J32 he led into me. I raised all-in and he called. The next two cards came 10,8 and he won with J397!

Right that's it. No more bad beat stories.


Monday, 19 June 2006 - 5:44 PM BST

Name: JQ

Ah, this reminds me. Looking at chessgames every day won't have done you any harm, but I'm prepared to risk it. Friday would be a good day for me, assuming I can avoid the Omaha final. Any good?

Monday, 19 June 2006 - 6:18 PM BST

Yes, Friday is fine. You're on.

A reminder of the defeat I have to avenge:

Vicky Coren gets an ear full of cider

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