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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Saturday, 28 October 2006
Some light relief.
Topic: Misc.

And now for something completely different....

After you've got used to seeing people dressed up as mascots for theme parks or sporting occasions, it can get rather hard to look at some real animals without thinking that they are really just people in costume.

In particular, I find this applies to pandas.

Tuesday, 31 October 2006 - 5:53 PM GMT

Name: "Richard123"


 Funny video. Changing the subject to something we can talk about, did you ever read this. I am sure you have heard about it:

Wednesday, 1 November 2006 - 5:09 PM GMT

Name: "David Young"

"Richard123" wrote:


 Funny video. Changing the subject to something we can talk about, did you ever read this. I am sure you have heard about it:

Do you really think that Mossad did the 9-11 attack? If so, is that all? What about the 1993 attempt to destroy the towers? What about the Bali bombing? The Khobar Towers in 1996? the USS Cole in 2000? The Luxor massacre of 1997? Madrid 2004? London, 7/7/05? The embassies in Africa 1998? The bombings in Manila 2000?

Is it really so hard to accept that these were all done by muslim fanatics? Even after Al Qaeda has admitted responsibility for 9-11? Even when you know that bin Laden declared war against America in 96 and again 98? Can you not credit arabs with the ability to pull this off or do you think that only jews are clever enough?

I appreciate that it's uncomfortable to swallow the idea that there is a large number of people out there who wish to destroy us and that it's far more comforting to convince yourself that it's all some conspiracy and all you have to do is vote someone out and change our policies towards Israel and it all goes away

But come on Richard, you're surely smarter than that,

aren't you? 


Thursday, 2 November 2006 - 1:46 PM GMT

Name: "Richard123"

I am not saying that Mossad is responsible. What I am looking at is EVIDENCE of certain events happening at the pro Zionist media in America not reporting it (apart from the Herald Tribune) and things being covered up. This is not a conspiracy, this is fact.


For an organization who has no respect for international law, whose motto is “by way of deception thou shalt do war” and who have attacked America previously plus Mossad spies being caught filming and cheering the 9/11 attacks, then America covering it up, it would not surprise me if Mossad were in some way involved.


I was only referring to 9/11, do not mix this up with the other attacks. There is no doubt who the hijackers were, there is just more to it than meets the eye.


Israel has always wanted countries (particularly the west) to go to war and ‘get tough’ on Arab countries. The Mossad are renowned for attacking countries to make other people take the blame, which stands with their motto.


This makes for some more interesting reading.


If we are honest though David, we know that you do not care about the truth.


Hitler always said ‘The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one’


Friday, 3 November 2006 - 4:20 PM GMT

Name: "Mr X"

What a bloody great (and probably true) paragraph:


"What were the Israelis up to? We think we know. The Vicente Fox government has been very careful of involving Mexico in a war against Islam. The Mexican population as well as the two major opposition political parties, the PRI and the PRD will not allow it. President Bush and the U.S. Zionists want Mexico fully involved in the war principally because if things get tough in the middle east and the oil rich Arabs leave the coalition, the U.S. military machine is going to need alternative sources of oil and PEMEX is just across the border. We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely then Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism".

Monday, 6 November 2006 - 10:11 PM GMT

Name: "Richard123"

It looks like Mr Young has no answer.

Tuesday, 7 November 2006 - 12:17 AM GMT

Name: "David Young"

"Richard123" wrote:

It looks like Mr Young has no answer.

Well of course I don't. There's not that much to go on. The passage above contains some huge assumptions. See below with my emphasis added:


President Bush and the U.S. Zionists want Mexico fully involved in the war principally because if things get tough in the middle east and the oil rich Arabs leave the coalition, the U.S. military machine is going to need alternative sources of oil and PEMEX is just across the border. We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely then Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism.


I have no idea about the accuracy of the story. But the passage above contains some odd logic. The proof seems to be in the 'we believe' and 'most likely'!

Mexico sells its oil on the open market already. America is free to buy it. What would blowing up the parliament do? I think Mexicans already can and do enlist with the US army. I'm too tired to fact check that. Can someone else do it?


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