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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Sunday, 19 November 2006
Topic: Misc.

I can't make up my mind whether to see the film 'Borat'. I've seen clips on TV and some of it seems funny. But other bits seem to drag on too long. I've had the same feeling watching Ali G before - wishing he'd just conclude the interview after he's got a few gags in (a la Dennis Pennis) instead of dragging it out. Fry and Laurie got it right with their 'vox pop' gags: no painful pauses.

But that's not my only problem with 'Borat'. I'm also frankly sick of British comics making fun of Americans. I can't help thinking that it reveals an inferiority complex that we have - that sense of faded imperial glory that comes from no longer being a major world power. We get our revenge by having Daisy Donovan, Louis Theroux or Sacha Baron Cohen crossing the Atlantic and showing us that while the yanks may have a bigger economy, higher incomes, a bigger military and a major film industry, they can't spot when some crafty English comic is pulling a fast one on them. Perhaps that's fun for you, but for me it just emphasises the fact that we have a chip on our shoulder about them. At least Clive James varied the schtick a bit when he mocked the Japanese game show 'Endurance' all those years ago. Then again, he did it at a time when many British industries were being decimated by competition from Japan. Revenge tasted sweet.

But the chief problem I have with Borat is that it mocks the fact that Americans try hard to see the best in outsiders, rather than immediately assuming the worst. Of course that can be naive. But I think it's a rather charming feature. In general I find most Americans to be far more pleasant and friendly than Europeans. It applies less to the people in New York and California, who can be a bit brash, and to the natives of Las Vegas, for whom meeting foreigners is no big deal. But get into the heartland of America, to places like Oklahoma, and prepare to be amazed at how polite most people are.

I could go on, but Christopher Hitchens has seen it and says it so much better:

_ DY at 2:29 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 20 November 2006 12:31 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 11:05 AM GMT

Name: "anonymous"

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 11:07 AM GMT

Name: "anonymous"

Simple choice David. You can go and see a film that tops the US box office because you think it might be funny and because just about every review from both sides of the Atlantic raves about it. Or, you can give it a miss because a neocon doesn't like it.

Casino Royale it is then.

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 1:39 PM GMT

Name: "anonymous"

Hey densoid!

You haven't mentioned what you are studying.

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 2:15 PM GMT

Name: "DavidYoung"

"anonymous" wrote:
Simple choice David. You can go and see a film that tops the US box office because you think it might be funny and because just about every review from both sides of the Atlantic raves about it. Or, you can give it a miss because a neocon doesn't like it.

Casino Royale it is then.

Actually I went to see 'The Departed' on Sunday night. It was a lot better than I expected. Catch it while it's still out. Recommended.

I've decided I'm not going to see Borat.

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 4:07 PM GMT

Name: "anonymous"

"DavidYoung" wrote:
Actually I went to see 'The Departed' on Sunday night. It was a lot better than I expected. Catch it while it's still out. Recommended.

I've decided I'm not going to see Borat.

That's a shame. Borat's a really funny film. Sometimes you go to the cinema and leave your politics at the door. Not that I think I'd be offended if I was American. 

Agree about the Departed. Almost a return to form for Scorcese.  

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 7:07 PM GMT

Name: "Richard123"

David I have heard you write about people making fun of Americans before. Do you really honestly believe in your mind that Brits are making fun of them because we are bitter? I find this as ridiculous.


Do you not think that American naivety is due to their terrible media? Their media reports nothing. It is because of this that most Americans are politically unaware. They are easy to make fun of.




Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 11:23 PM GMT

Name: "David Young"

"Richard123" wrote:

David I have heard you write about people making fun of Americans before. Do you really honestly believe in your mind that Brits are making fun of them because we are bitter? I find this as ridiculous.

Do you not think that American naivety is due to their terrible media? Their media reports nothing. It is because of this that most Americans are politically unaware. They are easy to make fun of.

That's a reasonable point about their media. It's parochial, both on the left and the right. But I must ask you why these comics don't make fun of Canadians, Kiwis or Australians: all of whom speak English. I think it's because nobody cares much what they think, because their countries don't matter as much. How can you laugh at the ignorance of someone who doesn't matter to you?

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 - 11:54 PM GMT

Name: "Richard123"

That's a reasonable point about their media. It's parochial, both on the left and the right. But I must ask you why these comics don't make fun of Canadians, Kiwis or Australians: all of whom speak English. I think it's because nobody cares much what they think, because their countries don't matter as much. How can you laugh at the ignorance of someone who doesn't matter to you?



I suppose it is because America is the only super power. I do not think that we are bitter about that. Britain is meant to be Americas closest ally after all. Maybe it is because we are allies that we can go to their country and laugh about it. If Russia were the only super power I do not think that this would be the case. In that case we probably would be bitter and what we say would probably not be in a jokingly sense about the Russians.


I was speaking to some American friends recently that have just come to England from the States. You are right about their naivety and friendliness. I find it quite nice in a person. They tend to be upfront and you know where you stand with people like that. I point the finger at their media. In America it is all about the USA and all about the Americans.

Friday, 24 November 2006 - 10:45 AM GMT

Name: "anonymous"

I am more than amused to see an end to Densoid's Iraq diatribe.

Proven wrong on every count. The country now a blood bath that Saddam could only have dreamed of.

The "allies" have handed the country on a plate to Syria and Iran. Well done boys!

In Afghanistan, Britain's under-equipped lamers get a whipping from a resurgent Taleban and the poppy crop (The Taleban WMD) is at a record high and heading to a street near you. Well done boys!

Densoid has now retreated to pathetic posts like these where all he can do is big up the US because he can no longer defend failed US policies from a lame duck president. Why not go and live in the US if you love it so?

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