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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Friday, 8 June 2007
Where are they now?
Topic: Misc.

Two decades ago I represented my school in a public speaking competition. I was part of a three-man team; one person introduced the main speaker and one person did the vote of thanks afterwards. We did reasonably well in the heats with our talk on crime, but lost in the grand final to an all-girl team who spoke on the horrors of life in Iran under the Ayatollahs.

The main speaker of our team was an ebullient young man with a gift for self-promotion. Many people said that he was a bullshit-artist, so perhaps I should have been a bit more sceptical 12 months later when he told me that the headmaster had selected his idea for the following year's competition over mine. I took this at face value and let him get on with it. I wasn't interested in the topic he wanted to discuss. I later found out that the conversation with the headmaster had never taken place. It was a flat-out lie. 

He went to America after he finished school. The sister of a schoolfriend tracked him down in California where he was living with an American woman. When she left the room, he leaned over to my friend's sister and said 'Don't tell her my real age ... she thinks I'm 35'. Some habits are hard to break.

I often wonder what became of him.

Separately, I see that the beautiful Hollywood actress Brittany Murphy has married an Englishman of the same age as me. I wish her all the best in life and hope that there is no truth at all in the terrible rumours circulating about him.

Monday, 11 June 2007 - 9:49 PM BST

Name: "anonymous"

Talking of sociopaths, what do you make of this?


The boy Engel? shewerly some mistake. 

Tuesday, 12 June 2007 - 3:26 AM BST

Name: "David Young"

A clear case of garbage in, garbage out.

What the writer doesn't know is that Allan was working for the Gutshot internet room on a commission basis at the same time as the Pokerbastard was telling people not to play in it. Whatever else can be said about Allan, I don't think many people would suspect him of wrecking his own income stream!


Saturday, 16 June 2007 - 9:46 AM BST

Name: "anonymous"

He would hardly be the first to try and undermine his employers & company.

Anyway, oh literary one, did you not think that many of the posts on that link had very similar writing styles?  Very stop-go. Annoyingly short sentences. Just like that!

Or is that just how the masses write in these places? 

So how old are you? Not the big 40 yet, I trust.

Saturday, 16 June 2007 - 9:48 PM BST

Name: "anonymous"

I don't buy the spoil his income bit sorry. It was pretty clear he was not a happy bunny with Gutshot around the PB started. Some of the others dissed have had problems with him, and he left/sacked under an almighty cloud  so why not him?


But there's little real evidence it was him and I doubt many care.  I was just wondering if was him and Blonde had scooped the exclusive. Interesting the real muck flying at Gutshot began just as he left the building, now that could be the real story.

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