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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Saturday, 11 September 2004
Three years on.
It's three years since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington D.C. You may see many pieces covering the anniversary in the newspapers this weekend, but for my money, the best coverage you'll find comes from Mark Steyn. Check out his Spectator piece here:

Click here.

It requires registration (annoying but free).

To get an example of just how well this man sees things that others simply cannot grasp, I quote this brief extract from the article:

"these days who's really `superior'? An old-fashioned European army -- Belgium's, say -- is incapable of projecting itself to Saudi Arabia; but a terrorist group in Saudi Arabia, through routine innovations like email, cell phones and automated bank machines, can easily project itself to Belgium. What did 9/11 cost its perpetrators? Flight lessons would be below $5,000 depending on how impatient the hijackers were (as Zac Moussaoui told his instructors, he didn't need to learn how to land); boxcutters cost a couple of bucks; add in a few rental cars and motels, and that's it. For around $150,000, 19 not especially talented terrorists killed more than 3,000 people and caused immediate economic damage of $27 billion, with the final tab yet to be calculated.

That's what I call asymmetrical."

Bullseye! Please read the whole thing.

_ DY at 4:12 PM BST
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