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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Friday, 5 November 2004
A great new poker blog.
I heartily recommend a new poker blog that's been put together by an anonymous writer called 'the poker bastard'. It's clearly aimed at dishing dirt in the poker world. It looks like the writer is based in the south of England, as it's full of references to Gutshot and Luton. I hope that he's able to extend his remit to other parts of the UK.


I have felt uncomfortable a few times that I didn't have the nerve to expose some of the things I don't like about the way that the game is run or the way that certain players behave. Now a weight is lifted from my shoulders. Such naming and shaming only works however if the writer is accurate in his reports. It's therefore encouraging to see in his latest post that he's seeking verification of a story about drug use among poker players. I hope he keeps his verification standards up. A few false reports would spoil an otherwise useful service.

While I've been vilified several times by anonymous writers on poker forums, I've never been able to agree with those who think that people should not be able to post anonymously. Sometimes there are things that should be said to warn the unwary, which cannot be said from a named individual. The Hendon Mob's forum grew its traffic enormously after someone calling himself 'The Executioner' wrote an expose of the AcesPoker fiasco. The post was so good that I printed it onto paper as soon as I saw it, certain that it would be deleted (it was). Anonymity has its place provided it's not abused.

_ DY at 11:22 AM GMT
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