Topic: Poker
I've had quite a few people asking me who the 'Poker Bastard' is. Some have even speculated that it's me! It's not! Personally, I don't really care who it is. The way I see it, the site stands on its own merits, regardless of who is behind it. However, I don't like people saying that it is me, as there are certain things said on the site that I disagree with (as well as much that I do agree with).
Here are the reasons why you can be sure it's not me:
Blackpool: I have never been to Blackpool. I will go at some point, but I haven't done so yet.
Amsterdam: I didn't go to Amsterdam this year.
Brighton: I didn't go to the last Brighton festival.
"Ongoing cheating in Brighton" (sic): I have played the cash game in Brighton many times in previous years, though only about twice this year. I have never worried about cheating. Whilst I have heard people make remarks about the game's integrity before, I have always put this down to sour grapes. I have won in the game overall and the only thing that deters me from going there more often is the long boring drive from Fulham to Brighton, which takes at least two hours one way, even though it's only 50 miles. If Pokerbastard has some specific allegations to make, I would like to read them. He's not been shy before.
Murray Brown: I have never had a problem with Murray Brown.
Ron Fanelli: I like Ron, even though some of what Pokerbastard says about him is fair comment (he is loud, he is abrasive). However I happen to know something about him that most people don't. I don't want to go into specifics, but Ron has been extremely generous to a friend of mine who needed assistance and that more than outweighs all the other stuff in my book. Hence I would not have written that piece about him.
Luton car park attendants: This is the thing I most disagree with on his site site. I think that the car park attendants in Luton have a horrible job to do and that they do it very well. I have a lot more respect for them than their counterparts in the Vic, as the environment in which they have to work is far more unpleasant (as well as being outdoors). I feel so much safer with them there and don't begrudge giving them a quid when they direct me to an empty space. I found Pokerbastard's remarks here quite offensive.
_ DY
at 5:00 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 30 November 2004 8:14 PM GMT