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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Sunday, 2 January 2005
Welcome to 2005!
Topic: Misc.
Happy New Year to all readers! I had hoped to start the year with a review of my forecasts from last year to see how many were right or wrong, but I thought I should first point out, in case anyone is unaware, that I now have a modest writing deal with Gutshot. I will be writing articles twice a week for the main page, as well as contributing to the forum several times a day. I'm advised by Derek that one of my articles per week can be about anything I like and doesn't have to be about poker, but so far I've mostly stuck to poker. That won't always be possible - which is bad news for some people!

With one exception, it's gone well so far. Most people who meet me at the club say they've enjoyed the stuff I write, before asking me 'Who's this xxxx Baby Jane? Yes, alas there is always one person who can't be satisfied and forum readers have had to endure the rantings of a bitter individual who's not happy about it. My critic has correctly pointed out that one portion of my first piece made use of a quote that I've twice included before in paid-for articles. I was aware that I'd used it in a Pokerpages article several years ago, but completely forgot that I used it again in May this year! I guess old age is creeping up on me when my long-term memory is better than my short-term one! My critic has tried to launch some sort of comic creation onto the marketplace, but has found no buyers. Trapped in a comedy cul-de-sac he splutters on but I've made up my mind to say no more in reply. I can respond to a complaint, but not to a grievance.

I would also like to make clear that my decision to stop writing on the Hendon Mob's website came three weeks before this deal and at no point have Gutshot asked me not to write there. I just felt one day that I was devoting too much of my time to supplying free content for others and getting only abuse in return. This had to stop and I now have the comfort of being paid a small sum for my efforts. I notice that someone (probably the same bitter individual) has started insulting me on the HM forum, claiming that I'm ripping Gutshot members off. This same person then makes some sort of crude homosexual reference to the first person who rebuffs the accusation. Is it really any wonder that I feel I've outgrown this?

_ DY at 9:58 AM GMT
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