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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Wednesday, 16 July 2003
La Maison d'Essence
Has anyone else ever gone to an interview for a company that calls itself 'La Maison d'Essence'. I did a few years ago and it was a most strange affair.

I went to a first interview in a building in Wembley and was later that day told that I was accepted to come to a second interview at the end of the week. The latter wasn't so much an interview as a seminar. There were about fifty of us there. The first thing that we were told was that for every one of us there, another five had already been rejected. I found this hard to accept. My first interview had taken about 20 minutes and I saw no other candidates hanging around before I was there or after I left. Yet somehow they had seen about 250 other people, presumable between Monday and Thursday of that week, as the second 'interview' was on the Friday.

We were sat in rows and told about the amazing opportunities to be had in selling copycat perfumes and aftershaves, which they referred to as 'renditions'. They claimed it was totally legal.

The first few weeks were supposed to be spent on selling and it wasn't made entirely clear how we were supposed to get our sales leads, though the mention of friends and family made me suspicious. I looked around to see whether anyone was as untrusting as I, but instead I saw a sea of serious faces all writing down the nonsense being spouted by the speaker, who looked all of 19 years of age. In fact the company didn't seem to employ anyone older than 20.

When they asked us for personal information, I made my excuses and left. I can't find anything about the company on Google. This makes me more suspicious.

Has anyone else here ever come across this company?


P.S. In case this looks familiar, it is a copy of a post I wrote on the Hendon Mob forum.

_ DY at 8:09 PM BST
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