Trots For Tots

The ERR is in the midst of developing the TROTS FOR TOTS program, where we will rehabilitate rescue horses and place them for low cost to handicap and therapeutic programs.  In the event we have sponsors, we'll waive our placement costs.  I've always been drawn to this area of horses and helping…

As a teenager, I used to volunteer for a handicap riding program that utilized the NYPD horses.  This program was run inside of the riding ring at the police stables in Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, NY.

In 1999, I coordinated with another rescue and placed a horse with a not-for-profit therapeutic program on Long Island called F.R.E.E.  

Two years after our first therapy placement,  through a tremendous group effort and a very generous sponsor, a  small pony named Lacey was rescued from an auction. A wonderful family took on the daunting task of rehabilitating this little mare. I then was in touch with a nonprofit known as Personal Ponies and they agreed to place Lacey with a child in need of a buddy. Lacey, who is now called Casey, lives with a young boy named Alex, who is autistic. Since Lacey, he now sings old MacDonald and is very happy with his pony.

My true inspiration to launch the TROTS FOR TOTS program however is my nephew, who has snowmans syndrome. When the family tried to enroll him in a hippotherapy program, he was put on an 18 month waiting list.

Since then, we have placed two of the ERR horses, Dakota and Kentucky, with handicap programs at no cost.
Through the help and support of people throughout New York, especially the satellite farms, this has been possible.

We feel there is a need to support the programs helping the physically and mentally challenged children, youth and adults and with your support we can make real things happen for real people in need.

This will be a very expensive program to run. For anyone interested in helping develop TROTS FOR TOTS, please contact Cee Segarra at

Free classifieds can be used to help get horses homes and supplies to those in need. List your available horses, tack, feed, hay, trucks, trailers, farms, foster space and fundraising items here.  

We're developing our rescue facility at
Hill Haven Farm
Pine Bush, NY

Visitors welcome by appointment.

A program to rehabilitate rescue horses and place them at no cost or low cost with therapy programs.