Hill Haven Photos
OH! It's picture time!!!!
Orion... Not again.....
Ziggy... hahahahaha....
I'm not a lazy belgian... I have two gaits - amble and GET OUT OF MY WAY!
Orion... trot trot trot trot trot trot...
Red... yeeeehawwww...I'm gonna pass you!
Ziggy... aw come on guys... trot trot, walk walk, trot trot.
Wa HOO!!!!!!!!!! Turnout!
Hey look! There's a new roof on our shed, but where did the back wall go? They said something about ren-o-vating?
Do I smell Poptarts? POPTARTS!!!!!!
You want me to leave my paddock? Awwww come on.....
Orange County Youth Advocate Program's Volunteer Day with ERR
"Heh.. and they say belgians have big butts!"
Ah come on... no pictures, please... we didn't do our hair yet!
Are you talking to me?
Belle.... can we say CUTE?
Beau... I'm heading back in the shed where it's warm and full of hay