Feathered & Furry Friends
We are expanding this page to include our furry friends, who have spent some time at Hill Haven Farm before moving on to loving homes. We feel they are all very special and deserving of mentioning.
Kitty Kitty
We pondered for years about a barn cat, and this cool dude was in need of some TLC and a reprieve. He has decided he owns the farm and that all who step foot on the property must love on him.
Tammy, Fawn and Freckles
During our land clearing process, we kept hearing how great goat are at clearing "anything green". We took in three goats and what an experience... goats in wheel barrows, on top of hay piles, on top of chicken coops and mooching for whatever you have that appears edible. There were times we couldn't help but shake our heads and laugh... Thanks to Alicia, they now have a great home in Stroudsburg, PA.
We were given a black suffolk ram, which arrived with an upper respiratory infection. After a course of antibiotics, Barney was feeling much better and ready for a new home. Thank you to our dear friend Connie, Barney was able to find a new home in Ulster County.
Playful Jack Russel Terrier who was in an incompatible home. A volunteer tried to take her in, but the pre-exiting canine residents didn't approve. This little girl came to us here at Hill Haven, and we took her to local function and horse shows, figuring horse people are usually also jack russel people. It worked, and we found her a wonderful home!
In an effort to be fair to all creatures, great and small, and at the "request" of a volunteer who appears to want to remain nameless... we will be including information on the chickens who were "liberated" by a very concerned 11 year old girl armed with allowance money.
This fine flock resides at Hill Haven Farm and were named after all of the things they will never be...
General Tsao
Meet our newest resident... Chicken Chow Mein.
Chow is debugging our systems for us.
Chow was adopted out July 2004, along with Turkey Cranbury!
Thank you to the Hennig Family for donating the coop!
Thank you to Ken and Joe of "T.C.T.C.C." for constructing and donating their outdoor "habitat area"!
Permanent member of our family here at Hill Haven. Aged female rottie with arthritis. She was abandoned in a NYC park, taken in by two very kind parks workers, who tried to locate her owner. Instead of her going to CACC in NYC, she was turned over to the Loving Touch rescue and then placed with us in June 2002. (picture is from 1/27/04)
Chester Flock
We were asked to find homes for a flock of 14 ducks and 1 rooster. The family was relocating to a new farm, which was right on top of a 55mph road. Understanding this family's concerns, on 7/31/04 we trapped the ducks and rooster and relocated them to new homes. 10 ducks were taken to a home in Walden, NY, four went to Gardiner, NY and the rooster was delivered to PA, where he was named "King" by his new family.
Quick Lightning and Thunder Quack
a.k.a. Quick and Quack
These two Peking ducks have an interesting story. They were purchased as eggs from a poulty farm in New Jersey, where they became a 2003 class room project for a group of young school children. The eggs hatched within hours of one another during a storm full of thunder and lightning. The ducks received lots of handling, but had limited space, diet and exercise. At the end of the school year, the ducks were to be returned to the poulty farm, where they were to be raised and slaughtered for meat. When the class learned of the fate of their beloved ducks, they refused to send them back. So... of course my aunt in New Jersey wants to help, calls my mother in New York City. THEN I get the call thanking me for agreeing to take them... Next thing I'm in an accident, can't pick up the ducks, so Ken of T.C.T.C.C. hops in his car, rushes to the school before it's too late, picks up the ducks and delivers them safe and sound to us at Hill Haven Farm. One of our volunteers, Chantel, immediately fell in love with them and as soon as Quick and Quack were on their feet, put on some weight and were heartily waddling around the property, they were adopted and went on to their permanent home with Chantel.
Dutchess County Flock
Rescue August 27, 2003
We were notified of a cruelty case in Dutchess county, where numerous animals had been starved and some died. We were going to pull out an aged shetland pony, but she went down and when the vet arrived she was unable to breathe freely and suffering immensely. The only humane option was to euthanize this pony. So surrounded by people who truly cared, she was guided to a better place. Our attentions then turned towards the other animals, and we were told that there were multiple roosters and some hens that needed homes. With the help of our volunteer Diane, we drove out to the farm in a truck lined with cages and started catching neglected chickens. In total we were able to pull out 4 roosters and 11 hens. A White Leghorn rooster and two leghorn hens were delivered to their new home with "Grandpa Schaefer". 5 Rhode Island Red hens went home with Diane. We added two roosters and two hens to our flock here at Hill Haven, and are fostering another rooster and two hens.
September 2003
We were notified by our friend Nancy, that a Jack Russel terrier was slated to be euthanized at CACC in Brooklyn due to lack of space for sick dogs. Us being... well... "us"... we asked that the dog not be euthanized and that we would take him in at Hill Haven. Nancy made arrangements to get the little guy a reprieve, and our friend Paula travelled to Brooklyn to pick up "Napoleon", a.k.a. Nappy. Nappy then went to the Park Avenue Animal Hospital for a check up and was later picked up by John, who brought him from Manhattan to Pine Bush. He was treated for a prostate infection during his stay with us. Our friend Chantal, who had adopted Quick and Quack, had stopped by for a visit and fell in love with this tiny little dog with a personality bigger then you can imagine. It was love at first sight, and little Napoleon was quickly adopted.
October 2003
A visitor stopped by the farm and dropped off the cutest little dutch rabbit with a white and grey speckled coat. Apparently a construction worker in NYC found this rabbit being treated less than kindly and brought her home. The family was unable to keep the rabbit permanently, and after some searching, unable to find the rabbit a home. This bunny did well here at the farm and was been named "Freckles". Freckles has been adopted by a lovely family here in Orange County, where she is loved by two kind children.
Spring 2003
An aged black lab cross was brought to us late one evening. Apparently her owner met someone over the internet and was moving to Alaska to start a new life. She was unable to take her companion, who suffered from epilepsy, and Bailey stayed with us for a few months. With medication, her seizures are controllable. A very kind family was looking for an older, well behaved dog and Bailey fit the bill very nicely. She has her own young girl to cuddle with and lots of TLC from a nice family with a big yard.
Meet...Turkey Turkey!
Our presidentially pardoned turkey resident
The letter we received that prompted the construction of this page...
Dear ERR,
I recently visited your website and was impressed with the outstanding job you are doing and with the quality of your website. I must say however, I was very dissapointed when I could not find any pictures of your chickens, turkeys and their new habitat area. I heard it was an amazing structure worthy of distinction amongst the other wonders of the world.
On behalf of the chickens & turkeys -
The Chicken & Turkey Construction Company.