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How To Use A Search Engine 

All right boys and girls, time for the uninformed to get a clue. There is this grand magickal scrying device on your desktops and you are not taking advantage of it. (Yes, Beig dropped by the chat rooms again)
The thing you are staring at to read this article is called a computer. A computer can do a lot of things for you, including answering your questions. Wow, it answers my questions?
Yes, by now I am sure most of you know what a search bar is for. Actually, I am sure that a lot of you just do not have even the beginnings of a clue as to what a search bar is for which is why I am writing this. Why is it that when you are trying to learn something on the internet, that you go to a chat room? Most of the time here is how the chat room learning experience goes:
Newbie: Hello all my fellow beautiful witchy people. What is paganism?
Chatter1: Try typing "paganism" into your search engine
Chatter2: Paganism? I thought this was pecanism? Aren't we all pecan fetishists in here?
Chatter3: Paganism is the vast mystery that we all study and you aren't worth wasting the chat time to talk to about, now where were we in the great cyber orgy?
I know, you have questions and want answers, and there is so much information out there that you don't know how to find the particular answers that will make sense of the insanity that you see your life has become.
Lo and behold, thanks to the great guru Internet, you too can be transported from the intellectual weakling you think you are into the intellectual version of Arnold Schwarzenneger. All you need are some answers.
Well here is how to find those answers:
(For the sake of this exercise we will use the single most popular question ever asked in pagan chat rooms aside from ASL)
What is Paganism? Go to and type it in to get the fast definition.
What is Paganism? Okay now type paganism into your browser. If you used MSN then your results should be :
What is Paganism? Follow every one of those 132 links. When you finish that you will have far more interesting things to ask than "What is Paganism". That's when you come into chat.
Now this method of information gathering works for almost anything you want to find out about. For example, if you are looking for Wiccan jokes, type "Wiccan jokes", "Wiccan humor", or "funny Wicca" into your search bar.
Of course if you follow each of the links that you find, and all of the links that you are led to, not only will you find you have just killed hours of time, but you will begin to notice a lot of things about the different sites you have visited, the common ground the cover, and the divergent paths some of them take.
That is the perfect time to come into chat. Because in chat rooms you will meet a lot of the people who have made those sites you were reading. Then you can ask them questions about what they meant by certain portions of their site, you can ask them where they found the information for your favorite articles, you can even ask them about what they left out of the articles (most writers write only what they think people want to read, asking them about the parts the left out and their reasons for doing so can really be an eye opener.
If you do not find an answer for what you asked, try misspelling the key words. Not everyone stayed out of the paste in elementary school.
Want to take a really interesting internet road trip? Do searches for things like "Absolutely Nothing", or even "I am Lost".