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Dhamma Talks by Ven. Ajahn Chah      

Ajahn Chahin Thai With English Translation

I'm unsure of whether or not someone owns the rights to these. I haven't been able to find any information on this. I actually got these from someone else who downloaded them in Real Audio format from a site which he says no longer exists. So if you know whether I need to ask permission or not, please send me email using the username 'robert' at the domain 'otaku.org.'

These can be a little bit tough to listen to because Ajahn Chah speaks for a while in Thai and a translator then paraphrases what he said in English. This means that you don't get the continuous flow of a normal talk. Regardless of this, these are still good talks worth listening to!

  1. Ajahn_Chah_-_01_-_Getting_Started.mp3
  2. Ajahn_Chah_-_02_-_Solitude_-_Practise.mp3
  3. Ajahn_Chah_-_03_-_Speaking_Straight_on_Meditation_and_Sila.mp3
  4. Ajahn_Chah_-_04_-_Question_and_Answer_1.mp3
  5. Ajahn_Chah_-_05_-_Question_and_Answer_2.mp3
  6. Ajahn_Chah_-_06_-_Question_and_Answer_3.mp3
  7. Ajahn_Chah_-_07_-_Knowing_What's_What.mp3
  8. Ajahn_Chah_-_08_-_Traditional_Thai_Culture,_Modern_Culture_and_Buddhist_Culture.mp3
  9. Ajahn_Chah_-_09_-_Triple_Refuges.mp3
  10. Ajahn_Chah_-_10_-_Closing_Comments.mp3
  11. Ajahn_Chah_-_11_-_Impermanence.mp3
  12. Ajahn_Chah_-_12_-_Question_and_Answer_in_Hampstead.mp3
  13. Ajahn_Chah_-_13_-_Clinging_to_Suffering.mp3
  14. Ajahn_Chah_-_14_-_Food_for_Human.mp3
  15. Ajahn_Chah_-_15_-_Question_and_Answer_(Quacker).mp3
  16. Ajahn_Chah_-_16_-_Talking_about_Nong_Pah_Pong_Monastery.mp3

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