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Links for Women

I am a Woman!
I will not be ashamed of who I am, or the road I had to travel to get where I am today.
Each day is a chance to be the best I can be, to be wiser, learn something new, reach out and help someone else, to make my world a better place.
I will not allow anyone to hold me back or control me.
I will stand beside my sister, or my brother, if I believe in their cause without wavering, and hope that they will do the same for me.
I will forgive, and move forward, I will not carry the baggage of the past into the hope of the future.
I will empower myself and re-create myself as need be, and my voice will be heard!
I am a Woman,
I am Capable,
I am Smart,
I am Valuable.
I can make my own choices. I will not be beat into submission, or manipulated to another's wishes.
Hold my hand and I'll walk beside you,
and forever will I stand unashamed.
I am a Woman!
Pam Warren


Women's Magazine Links
Remember beauty magazines can promote low self esteem!!!!!
Be proud of WHO YOU ARE!
Southern Living

Good Housekeeping


Ladies Home Journal

Woman's Day

Taste of Home

