Selected Families and Individuals


Rep. Emigdio Sumulong Jr TANJUATCO

BIOGRAPHY: Member,Phil House of Representatives fr. Rizal Province

Gen. Carlos Pena ROMULO

BIOGRAPHY: 1941 Pulitzer Price in Journalism
Aide-de-Camp of Gen Arthur MacArthur
Brig.Gen Phil Army,Sep 1944
1944-46 Phil Commonwealth Resident Commisioner to U.S.
1949-1950 Pres.of the United Nations General Assembly
  Phil Ambassador to the U.S.
1962-68 Sect of Education & Pres of University of the Phil
1969-1984 Sect of Foreign Affairs
University of the Phil,1918 grad.
Columbia University NY,1921
Notre Dame University(Indiana)1935

Gen. Carlos Pena ROMULO

BIOGRAPHY: 1941 Pulitzer Price in Journalism
Aide-de-Camp of Gen Arthur MacArthur
Brig.Gen Phil Army,Sep 1944
1944-46 Phil Commonwealth Resident Commisioner to U.S.
1949-1950 Pres.of the United Nations General Assembly
  Phil Ambassador to the U.S.
1962-68 Sect of Education & Pres of University of the Phil
1969-1984 Sect of Foreign Affairs
University of the Phil,1918 grad.
Columbia University NY,1921
Notre Dame University(Indiana)1935

Beth DAY

BIOGRAPHY: writer,journalist