Links're thinkin of leaving my site eh?
Well, here's a few places I recommend you check out.

Kamloopa Pow Wow, one of the largest Pow Wow's in my standard at least.
Canadian Aboriginal Festival, an annual festival held in Toronto...just found their website, haven't quite looked all the way into it, but it seems pretty neat.
The Gathering Of Nations Pow Wow Website, pretty much self-explainatory. Great site if you wanna go to a Pow Wow anywhere in the USofA, they give listings of many different pow wows on schedual for the year., Just the place to find out what's hot, and what's not. I don't have a radio that I can listen to all day, nor a Music TV station that i care to watch. This is where I go to see what's up in the world of music.
Pop Cap Games Website, a site that has very addictive games on it, but they all kick butt. (I beat Insane Aquarium in one night)
MSN Gaming Zone, excellent for card games, and everything else you can imagine.
Stop The Hate, and anti-hate website that is very informative, and it has some pretty cool bumper stickers on it as well.
Discovery Canada, The Canadian version of the Discovery channel. It always has fun stuff on it...
HGTV, my new addiction, an online magazine that I enjoy reading., the official website...nuff said.
Weird Al, the official website.

Gayle's Crafts my mummie's website :o]
Candice and Christy's Homepage. My aunts' website...Diablo freaks if you're into that.
Home and Garden Party, the company that I now sell products for.
CHBC, the television news center for the Central Okanagan...where I'm originally from. They update their website with the latest news every weekday. They keep me well informed on the goings-on in my mummie's area.
All Recipies, the website that has user submitted recipies, and includes almost anything you can think of for cooking. I find it very helpful since I'm not that great of a cook...*g*
Yahoo my homepage on my own computer. I love playing their games...
