Papaya Seed Specialist

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Aloha, we welcome your visit to our web site!

We hope you enjoy your visit and you find answers to questions you may have.  We have an outline of some areas that our experience can benefit papaya growers big and small.  We can identify industry omissions that have cost millions of dollars in revenue and earnings losses.  We can offer solutions that work when they are strictly adheared to and followed.


Operating a Papaya Farm effectively requires meticulous diligence in order to maintain the highest standards possible.  Under taking an ongoing and every expanding research and development program with numerous breeding programs spanning over three decades for crop and product quality improvement also is very demanding.  In addition, continuing to operate and providing the unique papaya expertise consulting service is not easy.  We try our best. 

So with our work load in mind, we hope you'll find the information you need on this site, about our company and the products and services we provide. We look forward to working with you.


Papaya Quality Selected for Consumer Satisfaction
Perfect Papaya Fruit Color is Best for Supermarket Delivery and Ready for Display

{the papaya-grower edge}


The papaya-grower edge consists of those techniques and methods for producing the very best PREMIUM QUALITY FRUITS, and obtaining the highest realistic yields.   And from the planting of the Seed, thru the harvesting, treatment, sorting, packing, cooling, shipping, distribution and marketing, always maintaining the highest standards of quality control in the Industry.


This adds up to that most desired result, and the most important marketing feature of having the preeminent position in the world markets.  By so going that important little extra distance, at every step of the way, with an unequalled quality assurance program, that secures for you the Reputation of producing the Best Fruits available, and that is the goal..   The word among wholesalers, distributors, and retail chains keep the orders for product continuing to originate with buyers wanting to make money from controlling your product. 


As a major producer packer reaches this stage of systems management, there is never a time when they are not continuing to fine tune and even add additional costs for example, to insure a Premium Pack Label on their Papaya Carton contains Premium Fruits.  It makes the best sense in the world to spend for example even as much as a dime when it guarantees an assurance  of receiving even only a dime more for your product to cover that investment.  For the true benefit is that dime extra over competing products, although it only balances the expense, insures the unquestionable excellent product reputation that certainly commands a greater profitability when there are never any credits requested by retailers or wholesalers, brokers, or any user clients.  


Even before such a system is achieved by a start up company or even a well established Company that is at such a point in their systems management, where they can see the value of saving 5% on a twenty million dollar a year portion of their Fresh Fruit portfolio, Management can certainly realize that ongoing open communications among the various points of product movement are essential.  When the partnerships and relationships between marketers and distributors, wholesalers and brokers and producers and packers are all healthy, all parties respect and appreciate the value of each other’s service.  The fact that the papaya grower has an outstanding investment for a minimum of nine months, and must face the risk of all natural disasters, adverse weather, winds, drought, floods, insect outbreaks as well as assumes the responsibility for the Product Quality and the Production forecast for a minimum of six months for every papaya fruit harvested, and the downstream cooperators, shippers, distributors, marketers, are pressed to assure that the Perfect Fruits are delivered to the final Consumers in no more then 11 days for the products Premium Status to be maintained requires unquestionable integrity among the parties.  And regardless of the methods used and agreed upon for product movement and deliver to the end user, this meaning the retail supermarket customer, and the Chefs and Food Service Managers who oversee prepared Papayas purchased for restaurant and institutional customer consumption, the producers, the farmers must from time to time personally see the customers and learn first hand what the customers are most pleased with and what if anything they may want to see in addition.



For it is ultimately the growers who need to know that they are handling their fruit in the best ways possible.  This also needs to be considered by those marketers who are able to offer the producer packer the best terms that compliment the process that you insist on as part of your adopted quality assurance program, and to work effectively this will include your approval of those marketing and promotion programs that the marketers initially pay for, as an essential component of their agreement for product from your orchards.  For ultimately all the costs of every part of the marketing and distribution sequence of the producers Papaya are paid for from the Sales of those very Papayas that were cared for at least six months and usually closer to nine months. 


It is because of this reason that rational logic dictates the importance for instance of  your Premium Fresh Papaya Fruit product inventory being best kept and managed, at the farm, not in some refrigerator where temperatures are set for products other then for your delicate and perfect papaya.  And those perfect papaya delivered today, can be neglected even accidentally and with refrigeration burn they will never again be the perfect papaya your retail customers have come to know and to love as much as you the grower does.


A personal  insight!  A papaya grower must love the work for the best results.  The grower must also insist that only those helpers, employees or co workers who appreciate their work of growing of papaya be permitted to help.  For those who regret working in the papaya fields will never make a positive contribution to the crop.


Two growers who are committed to producing the best papaya possible can do an outstanding job on up to five hectares, or about fifteen acres with the proper knowledge and equipment.  Where as five people who are growing papaya but do not want to be doing such work can not achieve even near the production out put or have anywhere near comparable quality of what product they do grow when compared with that of the two papaya growers working together who do care.



Papaya Seed Specialists
P.O. Box 463
4149 Kilauea Rd.
Kilauea, Hi 96754-0463

Phone: (808) 828-1012

Fax: (808) 828-2836

For inquiries please contact us

In Hawaii we select the strongest and the most healthy Papaya Trees with perfect flowers.  These are referred to as hermaphrodite plants.  They have the highest  fruit uniformity and the typical bottle neck or pear shaped fruit consumers have come to know as solo fruit.  Solo refers to the uniform 1 pound  fruit that is the perfect size to share with your favorite person for one serving of (1/2) half a fruit each.

The Perfect Papaya Flower is a Hermaphrodite
A Hermaphrodite flower is complete & has both male and female parts

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.

Papaya Secrets* P.O.Box 463, 4149 Kilauea Road * Kilauea, Hawaii * US * 96754-0463