For anyone who has 'CyberBoard Player', I can now play Paperball Z 3 on it! For anyone who doesn't have 'CyberBoard Player', get it NOW! You should be able to download it, it's great.
Well, CyberBoard player works by sending each other files that can be opened in CyberBoard player after someone has made them in CyberBoard designer. So we keep taking our turns on CyberBoard Player, then sending the file to the games master, who passes it to the next player and so on. I have found a way to do this with the Paperball Z Combat System! So we can now Play all the Paperball Z games ONLINE! With each other, no need to meet face to face! It's great!
Now, with this new discovery, I've decided to hold a game, myself. I would be very happy if you signed up for this game, as it really needs testing, both rules and battle system with Cyberboard. PAPERBALL Z 3, is here, so please SIGN UP! I will E-mail 10 select players, who I will especially hope to play with me. So, what are you waiting for, check out the Pages on the new game!
Hiragana Dragon
I have invited several people to play: Hiragana Dragon, Atikio, Aqua Monkey, Zero Beat, Flying Monkey 2000, AcesAli, Voss is Boss and Jenovat.
So far only Hiragana Dragon, Atikio, AcesAli, Zero Beat and Jenovat have actually sent me in their status forms. Please! If you are any of these people, or think you should be on this list please mail me at hiraganadragon@ntlworld.com Thanx!
The sooner these people get their forms in the sonner we can start!
Shinhonsan |
As well as a Description, you can give me a quick biography of the character's life so far, i'll be happy to read it and possibly put it into the game. Also, most of the characters will be little kids, so I advise you to make yours 'Chibi' as well.