Height 200ft tall & weight 300,000Lb


Fenrir The Werewolf

3 super powers




2 wrestling styles

1)monster brawling with the enhancements of a wolf aka sharp teeth and claws

2)dirty tricks

Finisher:Loki's Revenge:A double move from the top rope.using super speed , flying double forearm smash followed by a double axe handle

Entrance:A wolf howl followed by Paranoid by Black Sabbath

Appearance: He looks like a giant muscular long haired Viking werewolf. His skeletal structure is durable metal. His eyes are pale blue like his mother. He wears a loincloth with tights underneath.

history:He is a hybrid . His father is a synthoid of the capricious Norse God Loki and his mother is a Were-Malmute from Nmittri. His mother was fired at the synthoid lab for having an emotional bond with a synthoid. Loki quit training to wrestle for the ETWF in protest and married the Nmittri beauty. Fenrir was born 9 months later.She died giving birth to Fenrir so he was raised by Loki. He was a bully in school and after several suspensions for fighting in elementry shool he was homeschooled. Fenrir served in the Nmittri law enforcement then was fired for beating up his captain after he was wrongly accused of corruption. He joined he ETWF and Rob Rowdy was pleased to have a new Titan heel to add to the ETWF.