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Monday FEB 16, 2004 .... PARKS HOUSE, WRIGHT QUAD 1967-1968..



Jan 13: renewing website. MONDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2004 .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... THURSDAY JANUARY 2, 2003 4:00 pm exactly. I am still planning to visit Bloomington in October 2003 but I can't get an info from the motel. ....... USE THE "SIGN MY GUESTBOOK" TO LEAVE MESSAGES FOR THE OTHER PARKS GUYS AS WELL AS TO PUBLICLY WRITE BACK AND FORTH SO OTHERS CAN JOIN IN. ...........FRIDAY 13th, DECEMBER 13, 2002: My "friend" whom Ive known since 1965 stood me up. And he took $3,800 of mine and ran. So now Im trying to reserve a room in Bloomington for FALL 2003..... I will keep everyone informed. ... ..... BULLETIN!! NOVEMBER 5, 2002: MY FRIEND WANTS TO DRIVE TO SEE THE PENN STATE VS INDIANA FOOTBALL GAME which he says is this weekend. But if we go we will just be there for the game and then drive back. ..... But I have been thinking of going back for ten days in October 2003. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..11:23 am ,, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2002: ..... ..... I have been thinking of adding some stuff onto here now that people are starting to show some interest. I made this back in 1997. Actually, it's the guys who still live in Indiana who should call the meetings. The easiest way would be to just contact the others and put a note on this thing anytime you are going to Bloomington. I went there in 1991, 92, 94,95 and if I had these addresses then I would have told everyone I wa sgoing there and that I would be at Nicks each night with some type of eye-catching thing on my table. And or would have left notes on a specific bulletin board anywhere on campus..... ..... ..... ..... ............. ............ ............ ............ FEBRUARY 8, 2002: I FINALLY WAS ALLOWED IN BY MAILEXCITE BUT THEY ERASED ALL MY EMAIL ADDRESSES. HOWEVER THEY LEFT THE LETTERS I DID NOT DELETE........ .IMPORTANT!!! THIS IS WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30, 2002 and I still can NOT get into the email that is connected to this webpage. If you read this PLEASE email the others. Contact me at I forget what changes had to be done to the page. Please tell me as I cant get into the email to read your letters. I hope they have not erased my email!!!! .. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2002: IMPORTANT!!! Mailexcite went bankrupt and this site is connected to it. When I try to get to my email I can't get in. Instead there is a note saying that some other company is taking over and they are shifting all the email. But if you have sent me anything I cant get in to read it now. I last wrote a note to a few of you simultaneously. If you read this PLEASE use the addresses to tell the others. I do not know when I can get back to my email or if theyll get erased in the transition. You should also COPY the info on these webpages as it could vanish at any time as well............. My snailmail address is walt karwicki, 252 west cottage place, york,pa 17403. I also have a hotmail email: ......... FEB 3, 2000. I just dropped off 52 postcards at the postoffice on a Thursday so most people will get them on a Monday. The one to Mike Stump in Argentina cost 55c and will take a little longer. You can talk to everyone else all at once on 'onelist'. ______ ....Jan 28, 2000: THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS SITE IS TO GET YOU PARKS HOUSE GUYS WHO STILL LIVE IN INDIANA TO START GETTING TOGETHER IN BLOOMINGTON AGAIN EVEN IF JUST IN TWOS AND THREES because I had been in the habit of going back cross-country every year at Oaken Bucket time and I didnt know anyone from my time there. With the net any two guys planning to meet can send out a mass-invitation via 'onelist' to everyone else very easily_ __________ ......JANUARY 27,2000: JOIN THIS AND TELL THE OTHERS: ... JANUARY 6,2000: I just got a 'Make your own-opoly" game and want to do one for IU in 1967 but I dont know how to do the cd-rom or floppy disk or how to put it on the web yet..... Nov 30, 1999. ... Does anyone have a copy of the FALL 1967 Schedule of Classes? Mine was lost in shipping in June 1968...... I Have been trickling out copies of all this but I know from past experience with such things that they dont work if only one guy is doing the work. Others have to do some work as well. OCT 27, 1999_ 9-15-99____ SEND COPIES TO OTHERS ON THIS LIST ________AUGUST 17,1999: Well, I went to buy the Sports Illustrated College Football Issue this week as I do every year and, for the first time, I couldnt get it. I found out that it was because I live in Pennsylvania now and these PSU fans were all buying it up as it picked pSU to be number one. That ticks me off when I cant get something I get regularly because people who normally dont get it all want it at once like that. Well, let's hope IU keeps improving.______________ ___________________ _ AUTUMN 1999 WILL SOON BE HERE_____ NEW FRESHMAN COMING IN JUST AS WE DID IN THE 60s_____ NEW FOOTBALL SEASON ______ GET YOURSELF A COLLEGE FOOTBALL MAGAZINE TO LEARN THE NEW PLAYERS _____ CONTACT THE OTHERS ON THIS LIST AND TELL THEM TO DO THE SAME_____ GET ON THE STICK!! DO SOME WORK!! ______ _____ ______________ ________________ I JUST CREATED A ONELIST FOR THIS SITE!!! GO TO AND SEE WHAT IT IS. I WILL MAKE A LINK TO ONELIST BELOW. With onelist you go there and type in ParksWright67-68. The letters you write or respond to are mass mailing letters that go to EVERYONE else on that list. But we need to get as many people below as possible on it so buy stamps, write a letter, Xerox it, and mail it to a bunch of the names below. With this mail list anyone can easily contact everybody else at once...(Note: It may take 24hrs to get online.. Monday 7-26-99 246pm_____________ _________________ _________________ _ NOTE: THIS IS JULY 2,1999 and I probably wont be back into college nostalgia until IU reopens in late August or even September. I get hit by the nostalgia bug each Fall and it lasts all Autumn and then stops._______________ _______________ _________________ ___________________ ____________________ I'M BACK! Monday 1-4-99 ___2-25-99 Thursday __ _____ CHECK ALL THE LINKS ON THE BOTTOM _____ _____ _____ _____ By me, po box 2372, York,Pa 17405 Hi !, Remember me??? I was on the net a few months ago and decided to look up all the people I could from Parks 1967 on the people finders. After getting as many as I could I wrote up some stuff, drew diagrams of every floor to show where people lived and then xeroxed all the info on top of some 1967 Parks House Scribes. So then, naturally, I misplaced it all. So now Im starting over- directly on the web. I'll contact people as I go.(This is my birthday present to myself: Oct.30, 1949) AND I WILL CONTINUE TO LOOK FOR ALL THE STUFF I FOUND SO I CAN PUT IT HERE. How did I get a list of names? well, I returned to IU for Oaken Bucket week 1991,1992, 1994,1995 and sat down and scanned the Red Books in the library. Then I said the hell with it and xeroxed the entire Redbook and went through EVERY name. But some names were missing. (Like Frank Kudla, which figures as he was the Hippie Supreme). But I got more out of the old Scribes I had (which I have temporarily misplaced). And sometimes the Redbook listed THREE people in the same room and only one, or none, in another...... under construction.... Monday Oct 25, 1998 11:20 pm.... lots more to come. ...oct 27... Hooray, I got in. Now here is what I gleaned from the Redbook. I recall purchasing one in 1967 but I misplaced it so here's from the interlibrary mail one. You all can get it via your public library..... ...... I WOULD LOVE TO READ ALL THE STORIES OF ALL THE PARKS HOUSE GUYS, THAT'S WHAT THE BULLETIN BOARD IS FOR, OR YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN PARKS HOUSE PAGE FOR FREE AND LINK IT TO HERE. I haven't the ability to retype letters from my email because 1) I usually only have three hours a day on this public machine mon-fri 2) It has no printer. That means I'd have to copy your letter by hand of my email and then comeback here to Tripod. It has no 'cut and paste' ability, whatever that is, and the right mouse button isnt 'enabled' 3) I can't type. I'm using my right hand pointing finger right now while I look around the keyboard for the letters. I was in Astrophysics. I never had to type anything until I discovered the web. I used to handwrite letters to the editor and the local papers liked them so much they gave me my own editorial page daily column but they typed them for me. Please tell us all about your memories on the message board where all can enjoy them.!!!!...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... FIRST FLOOR: 0102 John Hopkins, 0106 Ted Frick & Ernie Bott (Note: Ted is now a Prof at the brand new education bldg just across the field from Wright.). Walt Neary & Bill Eigensbach, 0110 Allan Morris & Larry Lattimore, 0112 Walt Karwicki & Grant Hawkins, 0114 Steve Schepman & Ted Jennings & Jonathan Goodson (3??). OTHER SIDE OF HALL: 101?: Bill Thistlethwaite & Chris Michael, 0103 Mike Stump ( When I was at IU in Nov 1991 I went to the one place on campus where they had the new alumni books theyre selling (the basement library of the Business bldg. It was very interesting as they have it built in a circle around a patch of grass underground and it was snowing in the center of the library with a cylinder of glass around it) and I was looking up people. It said that Mike Stump was in Buenos Aires!). 0105 Jim Stemler&Bill Springer, 0107 Don Shuck & Carlton Higginbotham (check the message book to see Carlton), 0109 Steve Zeilengold & Paul Gatlin, 0111 Tim Taylor & Craig Sharpe, 0113 Tim Mann & ???. Of course this is not where we remember everybody as people switched rooms. So I'd like corrections on the message board please. And Kudla, Frank wasn't even listed. Who else wasn't? I recall Kudla in 0101 and that Thistlthwaite moved to o113? and Bott moved to 0105 and I think Zeilengold might have moved too. And who left after the first semester when the floor GPA was so low? SECOND FLOOR: 206 Dave Patterson, 208 Dick Sanders & Charles Kleminski, 210 Joe McDowell and ???, 212 John Neado (Neago? The printed letter in the Redbook is smudged) & Bob Malohn, 214 Mike Watts & ???, It also has Barry Curless in 212!!?? OTHER SIDE: 205: Bob Richter & Dick Miller, 207 Dwight Smith & McClellan Cox, 209 Bruce Rogers & Allen Jones, 211 John Wilkinson & Albert Blake, 213 Steve White & Boyd Hahn. THIRD FLOOR: 306 Van Vater & Don Paunovich, 308 Joe Fiscel & Harold Moore, 310 Larry Rose & ???, 312 Ken Riffle & ???, 314 Steve Harrison & Bob Zsadanyi ,OTHER SIDE OF HALL: 303 Larry Pease & Barry Gangi, 305 John Gregoline & ???, 307 STEVE "BO DIDDLEY" SAMPLE, (He just contacted me. I'll leave the 307 next to the other guys as well until I know what's going on there with all those names with the same room. I just write what I see in the 1967 REDBOOK). 307 John Hageman & Bill McConnehey, 309 Steve Cates & Wayne Goellner, 311 Terry Laymon & George Kriegbaum, 313 Dave Swinney & ???. How come there is someone in 103 and 303 and noone listed for 203? Was there a 203?. My SCRIBES list some other names not in the Redbook. I'll have to find them. .... ..... ..... ...... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ When I was in Parks I asked about the album we had in the top floor lounge in 1967. No one ever heard of it. Maybe if we contacted other Parks House people who lived there over the years via the Redbooks someone may know. I'm referring to that big scrapbook-like thing with the memorabilia in it.. It had those "Peace" Documents from 1966 when the two houses were fighting... ..... .....PLEASE USE THE MESSAGE BOARD TO TELL EVERYONE ELSE ABOUT YOURSELVES. ... PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN PARKS HOUSE FREE WEBPAGES AND GIVE ME THE HTTP NUMBER SO I CAN MAKE A LINK TO YOURS ... .... .. ..... The Archivist was very impressed by the Parks House Scribe. He didn't know it existed until I asked for it. I xeroxed the copies I lost. I just wish I had more copies of the old BIG TEN magazine that was free in Wright Quad. The Archives have none.of those.... .... .... I also have COMPLETELY XEROXED THE ENTIRE CITY DIRECTORY FOR 1967. And I xeroxed the main streets for every year from 1963 until 1994. And also 1960, 1950 and 1940. Just to see how the town evolved. I also still have my SCHEDULE OF CLASSES FOR SECOND SEMESTER 1967-68. But I wish I had it for the FIRST semester. I think I might have xeroxed the September 67 one. Maybe Ill put the more interesting of the nostalgia stuff on this thing.OCT 27 3:51 pm .... (What? No jokes about O.J. Simpson beating Indiana on 1-1-68 like he beat his wife?).. ... .... Anyone who is interested in nostalgia just has to contact the following places: 1) I.U. ARCHIVES, 2)I.U. MAIN LIBRARY , 3) MONROE COUNTY LIBRARY , 4) MONROE COUNTY MUSEUM. All I used as an address was "Bloomington, Indiana 47401" And I didnt need the 47401 as I didnt use a return address. Make a list, xerox it, and send copies to all. (Don't forget the I.U. ALUMNET)... .... .... .... ..... ...... 11-4-98 Wed. ..I have been trying since 12:10pm to get Tripod to work. It is now 1:o3 pm. This is why I don't go back to fix glitches. It takes forever!! HERE ARE SOME POSSIBLE ADDRESSES I FOUND ON THE NET. You may want to try writing to these people. SECOND FLOOR: david michael patterson, 7320 Soth east st., Ind,Ind 46227. But also David m. pattersons at 46562 and 47001.208 dick allen sanders (old bridge NJ in 1967), MANY,,,,Charles francis kleminski (gary,ind in 67): c.kleminski 2531 West 57place merrillville, ind,,,210 joe victor mcdowell (elizabethtown nj 67) Two in lexington,Ky : otter creek drive 40515 and Hi Crest drive 40505,,, Bob Larry Malohn (south bend ind 67) None but a ronald malohn at 3815 riverside drive s.bend 46628,,,214 mike david watts (bedford ind 67) 1734 central ave Bedford 47421,,,Craig anthony house ( wabash ind 67), none, 212 barry wayne curless (wabash ind) 15208 e.shoreway dr. carmel ind 46032,,,,chris henkel (heidelberg germany 67) MANY,,,,, 205 bob alan richter, (chesterton,ind) ?21413 al wright rd bordon,ind 47106??,,,,dick john miller (greensburg,ind 67) NONE,,,,207 dwight edwin smith (ind,ind) ?dwight e.smith 218 w.12th st, connersville ind 47331,,,,207 mcclellan cox (ind,ind) none,,,, 209 bruce allen rogers (toledo,ohio) none,,,, 209 allen foster jones, (ind ind), ?? allen jones 7543 eagle valley pass ind ind 46214 ???,,,211 john robin wilkinson (webster groves, maryland 67), THREE in Md. cumberland 21502, takonapk 20912, joppa 21085,,,211 albert lee blake (ind ind 67) TWO 5508 east 16th st ind,ind 46218, 9115 sea oats drive ind,ind 46250,,,, 213 steve wayne white (bedford,ind 67), ?? steve white 1758 s.county rd 150w, sullivan,ind 47882,,, 213 Boyd Hahn (peru,ind 1967), 550 E.Road Peru, Ind 46970,,,, was chris henkel of germany on 2nd or 3rd floor? craig anthony house listed in Dunn315, Zsadanyi,l.m. at King Road Burlington, Ontario Ltt-3L2,,, (glenn)gangi {relative?} 11433 old stone drive ind ind 46236,,, lots og gregolines in indiana,,, wayne goellner 617 n.myers ave, milledgeville, ill 61051 same one ???,,,george m. kriegbaum 129 riverview rd, warren, ind 46792,,, dave swinney 1438 s.norfolk, mesa,az 85206 ALL THESE FROM LYCOS PEOPLE FINDER. I'll do 3rd and 1st floors some other time. 11-4-98. It takes forever to store and save today.... .... ... .... .11-16-98 Here's something I did a while back I just found (And before I forget again, look up Dodd's House when you go to IU Bloomington Website!): ______FIRST FLOOR: john wesley hopkins was rensselaer, ind in 1967,now unknown,,,ted frick, prof. of education at IU,, ernie bott was hawley ,pa in 67 now unknown, FOUND!,,, walter j neary was lawrenceburg,ind in 67, now 18 cook ave, lawrenceburg 47025,,, william blaine eigensbach was valparaiso ind in 67, now unknown,,,, allan ray morris was anderson,ind in 67, now unknown,,, larry thomas lattimore now 2006 whalen ave,ind,ind 46227,,, grant hawkins now north pennsylvania ave ind,ind 46202,,, steve shepman now 3238 north country rd 475east, seymour,ind 47274,,, ted gene jennings was avon, illinois in 67, now unknown,,, jonathan phillip goodson now 6433 hillsgate ct, newburgh,ind 47630,,,william henry thistlethwaite now 15483 carriage lane, mishawaka,ind 46545,,, chris charles michael now 727 frederick st, huntington, ind 46750,,, mike stump was dover nj, now somewhere buenos aires,,, james g stemler 7535 north mississippi ave, portland, oregon 97217,,, william t. springer, 6125 orinoco ave ind,ind 46227,,,, donald k. shuck 11895 towne rd, carmel,ind 46032,,, paul weldon gatlin, 9317 wildwood drive, highland ind,ind 46332,,, steven g. zeilengold was west hempstead, ny, now unknown,,, tim alan taylor 9517 woodruff ct. new haven,ind 46774,,, craig siler sharpe was ind,ind now unknown,,, tim mann, north 500 east, ossian,ind 46777,,, frank kudla was hammond,ind, now unknown,,, charles david beale, 7075 west crestwood drive, delphi ind, 46930,,, 11-13-98... ...Wed. Nov 18, 1998 (What were you doing on Nov 11, 1967?) NEW INFORMATION CAME THROUGH YESTERDAY FROM JEANNE LEBEAU OF I.U. ALUMNET: (Note: Alumnet only has what you give them so these may or may not all be more recent than the People Finder info) ::__ ____ ____ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______ _________ ________ _____ TED JENNINGS IS DEAD!!! Died June 30, 1997 in Washington, Illinois !!! He was a fellow First-Floorer. KEN RIFFLE DIED !!! 7-3-94 He was from the third floor.No city mentioned.,,, ____ ____ Thats at least two of us so far!____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ______ ______ ____ _____ ______ Now the others: bill thistlethwaite,18688 douglas, south bend, 46637-5324,,, chris michael pob 191 huntington,ind 46750-0191,,, mike stump, bank of boston argentina, 99 florida, buenos aires, argentina (actually 'boston' had an extra letter in it, so it may have been a spanish word),,,, ernie bott, 204 n.louisiana ave., bunkie,la 71322,,, ted frick 1812 weimar rd., bloomingon 47403,,, jim stemler 7535 n.mississippi ave, portland,oregon 97217-1351,,, bill springer 3936 s.ewing st, ind,ind 46237-1259,,, walt neary- no address,,, bill eigelsbach, 603 longview rd #J, knoxville,tenn 37919,,, don shuck-none,,, larry lattimore- 5602 hardegan, ind,ind 46227-4702,,, steve magrill (zeilengold), (yes, he really did change it!), 473 arbor drive, carmel ind 46032,,, paul gatlin 9317 wildwood drive, highland,ind 46322,,, grant hawkins ,3121 w 46st., ind,ind, 46228-2826,,, tim taylor-none,,, craig sharpe- none,,, tim mann- 5700 n.500e, ossian,in 46777,,, steve schepman-none,,, jonathan goodson 6433 hillsgate ct, newburgh, ind 47630-1777,,, ted jennings- deceased 6-30-97 washington, ill,,,, frank kudla 2735 ross, highland, ind 46322,,, richard koleszar, 3531 elmridge, evansville, ind 47711,,, charles kleminski, 2531 w.57 pl., merrillville,ind 46410-2113,,, joe mcdowell, 662 johanna ave #3, sunnyvale, cal 94086,,, bob richter, 6417 midchannel way, ft.wayne, ind 46845,,, bob malohn- none,,, dwight smith ,1439 kumler ave, dayton,ohio 45406,,, mcclellan cox 3653 rainbow dr, decatur,ga 30034,,, albert blake- none,,, boyd hahn, rr 5, box 92-a, peru,ind 46970-9120,,, barry curless 15208 e.shoreway dr., carmel, ind 46032,,,,, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 1998:: THIS IS THE LATEST INFORMATION FROM ALUMNET FOR THOSE NOT LISTED ABOVE: harold joseph moore not in file,,, lawrence c. rose 807 maxine drive, brownsburg 46117,,,, john w. hopkins no current address,,,, allan ray morris not in file,,,, richard a. sanders, 111 hidden ledge drive, conway,mass 01341,,,, david m. patterson, 1812E tabor st., ind,ind 46203,,,, michael d. watts 1734 central ave, bedford,ind 47421,,,, richard john miller- no current address,,,, allen foster jones- not in file,,,, bruce a. rogers, 17225 eaton lane, los gatos, ga 95030,,,, john a. wilkinson, 592 county road # 553, marquette, mich 49855,,,, steve wayne white- not in file,,,,, WHAT YOU CAN DO: If you received a card from me make xeroxes of it and mail it to the names on it and/or to the new names here. Use your 'peoplesearchers' on the net to try to locate the missing names and post them of the message board...... NAMES NOT ON ALUMNET: _____ JOHN WESLEY HOPKINS_____ WALT NEARY_____ ALLAN RAY MORRIS_____ STEVE SCHEPMAN_____ DONALD T. SHUCK_____ TIM TAYLOR_____ CRAIG SILER SHARPE_____ JOHN NEAGU_____ BOB MALOHN_____ RICHARD JOHN MILLER_____ ALLEN FOSTER JONES_____ ALBERT BLAKE_____ STEVE WAYNE WHITE_____ VAN VATER_____ DON PAUNOVICH_____ HAROLD JOSEPH MOORE_____ STEVE HARRISON_____ BOB ZSADANYI IS ALIVE AND HOPEFULLY WELL _____ LARRY PEASE_____ BARRY GANGI_____ JOHN HAGEMAN_____ WAYNE GOELLNER_____ TERRY LAYMON_____ GEORGE KRIEGBAUM_____ DAVE SWINNEY_____ JOHN JOSEPH TURACK_____ CHARLES PHILLIP LAND_____ I am still trying different spellings and middle names with Alumnet so maybe a couple of these can still be found. But Im now going to start trying the peoplesearchers on the net.____ HERES SOME ATTEMPS I MADE ON ALTAVISTA PEOPLE SEARCHERS: STEVEN WAYNE WHITE: I got steven w. white, 7126 roschill drive, ind,ind 46260-3748, HAROLD JOSEPH MOORE: I got harold joseph moore, 28 weaver ave, waterford, ny 12188-1618, ALLEN FOSTER JONES: no luck, RICHARD JOHN MILLER: no luck, JOHN WESLEY J. HOPKINS: no luck, ALLEN RAY MORRIS: no luck. No luck means I either get NOTHING or EVERYTHING. Either no address or a dozen addresses or more. 12-21-98___ MORE MAYBES FROM ALTAVISTA: WALT NEARY: Got walt neary, 18 cook ave, lawrenceburg,ind 47025-1424, STEVE SCHEPMAN: got steve schepman, 3238 north county rd, 475E, seymour, in 47274-8611, TIM TAYLOR-Got too many, need middle name, CRAIG SILER SHARPE: Got craig s. sharpe, 14308 NE 31st ave, vancouver, wash 98686-2239, JOHN NEAGU-All I could find was j.g. neagu, 3739 lexington rd, michigan city, ind 46360, ROBERT MALOHN: I got three: elgin,ill 60123-8506, st. joseph ill 61873-8931 and daytona beach, fl 32119-4004, ALBERT BLAKE: I got three- south bend 46619-1878, ind,ind 46240-2254, mitchell,ind 47446, VAN VATER: I got van C. vater, 8259 blaine place, crown point, indiana 46307-9665, DON PAUNOVICH: I got two: walnut creek, ca 94596-2000, san ramon,ca 94583-xxxx, STEVE HARRISON: Too many. Need middle initial, BOB ZSADANYI: No bob and 16 Zsadanyis, LARRY PEASE: I got 10520 old dam, 43 rd. SE, laconia, in 47135-9530, BARRY GANGI: none in whole usa. Only 'gangis' in Indiana: ind,ind 'glenn'- 46236-8685, 'jessicai-muncie- 47303-3528, 'debbie'- jeffersonville- 47130-4168, JOHN HAGEMAN: 5 in indiana, 2 in ft wayne, need middle initial, WAYNE GOELLNER: I got wayne goellner 617 .meyers ave, milledgeville, ill 60151 , TERRY LAYMON: I got 3: phoenix 85015-2140, coloma,mich 49038, grosse point, mich 48236-4015, GEORGE KRIEGBAUM: I got george M. kriegbaum, 129 riverview rd, warren, ind 46792, DAVE SWINNEY: I got dave swinney, 1438 s.norfolk, mesa,az 85206-3320, JOHN JOSEPH TURACK: I got john turack, 1901 st john rd, schererville, ind 46375-1515, CHARLES PHILLIP LAND: no luck.yet.

I WISH I HAD ACCESS TO THE 1967 IDS AND 1967 H-T. WHEN I WAS AT IU I XEROXED WHAT I COULD OF THEM BUT THERE WAS ALWAYS A LINE FOR THE ONE ANCIENT MACHINE THAT COULD XEROX THE MICROFILM AND EVEN IT COULD ONLY DO A PIECE OF EACH PAGE AT A TIME. WHEN I USED INTERLIBRARY LOAN IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET HERE I ONLY HAD 2-3 DAYS TO XEROX THE REDBOOKS. THE IU LIBRARY MACHINE IN 1995 LOOKED LIKE THE SAME ONE THEY HAD IN 1971. IT EVEN HAD THAT OLD CURLY, GREASY PAPER THEY USED WITH THE FIRST ONES ON lets see if I can store this. wed 11-25-98... .... ... Note: I must be working on twenty things at the same time, a few here alone, so don't expect speed. This is still a one man operation. The addresses on this board are also so YOU can help me find these people..... ____ ____ ____ _____

Created Nov. 23, 1998, 4:16 pm Jennings, Riffles

My Snazzy List of Links

BLOOMINGTON IN 1967 -- ParksWright page 2: under construction
News and Weather back then- ParksWright page 4: under construction, just starting these
Here's a 1968-70 era Briscoe page:
1967 Trivia -- ParksWright page 5: 1967 trivia
Late 1967 Indiana Daily Student notes PW page 6: Notes I scribbled out of old IDSs while at IU 11/92
TRIPOD FREE WEB PAGES: Make your own IU/Bloom site- or whatever
Weather in Bloomington,Indiana:
Weather in York, Pa: York is between Gettysburg/Lancaster & Harrisburg/Baltimore
My freshmen experiences at IU- Parks Wright page 7: I did this for the IU Alumni Mag site to which it's connected Go there and look for ParksWright67-68
The Daily Stupid, 2000 AD: Go here and in 'search' type in things like 'Wright Quad' or 'Parks House' or 'Read Hall' or whatever you remember and see whats happening there now. Steeets and names too.
The Horrible Terrible, 2000 AD: These articles can be easily forwarded. Try their search, too.

po box 2372
No phone calls please (sick father)
York, PA 17405
United States