This document last modified on: 03/18/2025 00:51:23
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February 14, 2002
Naomi is now THREE years old!! - Cuter than ever.

May 2, 2001

Naomi is now TWO years old!! - Cuter than ever.

Click on thumbnail picture to see it larger. Press back button to return.

November 28, 2000

Lisa's thoughts... "I look at Naomi sometimes and wish that I could remember what it was like to sit in a poopie diaper with mud on my face and hands and try to eat a cookie that Meeko or Chewy had just licked, what a life!!!! I'm totally jealous of her. Her only concern is, how to get more than three french fries in her mouth and still be able to drink her lemonade. The only thing that I can think of that would be better than being a kid again is being a dog!! Sleep all day, poop whenever inclined and wherever inclined to do so and then maybe go for a walk. Oh well, I guess I can't be them so I'll have to settle for loving them, which isn't so bad either."

July 24, 2000
Time sure flys! Naomi is now over 1 year and 5 months old.
Check out these new pictures of her waiting for lunch and walking to her Dad, Howie Wykes.


Can you believe it? She's one year old already and looks like she's into the "ARTS"!! Watch out, Lisa and Howie, the fun is just beginning so enjoy her, time goes so fast!!!

November 3 - Naomi's Mom, Lisa, reports that they attended the Cardinals/Patriots football game and Naomi really enjoyed herself.

"Naomi did really good. For the first half of the game she and I found a cool place to sit by the concessions because our seats were in the sun at that time and we are still in the low 90's. But as the second half rolled around the sun was behind the stadium so we took our seats and she had a blast! She was laughing at everyone, yelling and cheering with the crowd (mostly Patriot fans, as they creamed us), and by the end of the game she was sound asleep despite all the noise. She wore her Cardinals baseball cap and thought she was pretty cool!"

Valentine Day Blessing!

Shirl's brother, Ed Schaeffer proudly reported that, "Lisa and Howie have a baby girl. She was born on Sunday (2/14) morning at 11:17, she weighed 6 lbs. 14 ounces and 19" long. Her name is Naomi Elizabeth Wykes. Everyone is doing well." Congratulations to Lisa and Howie for their Valentine's Day Sweetheart!!

Click on small picture to see it enlarged.Use your browser's Back button to access next photo.

First Week Seven Weeks
Father and Daughter Proud Grandparents

  6 Months Update!!