The first stop place to repair and heal your Heart.
The US is the Major source of Machine guns used to kill police in Mexico and the US.
The best way to stop the flow of machine guns to Mexico,
is to legalize all drugs,
to take drug sales out of the hands of the drug dealers.
This will stop the flow of drugs from Mexico.
Ban all illegal in the US.
Send them all back to Mexico.
They are here illegal.
One of the dealers, J&G Sales in Prescott, ranks third on the top-12 list, with about 130 of its guns traced from Mexico over the past two years. The store owner said he is diligent about making legal sales.
"I would stand by every transaction we make at the time we make it," said J&G owner Brad Desaye. "But I'm disappointed to hear that number. It saddens me. It should not happen."
The lack of charges against dealers is not unusual, in part because it's difficult to prove a straw purchase took place.
"If you're a gun dealer and you see a 21- or 22-year-old young lady walk in and plop down $15,000 in cash to buy 20 AK-47s, you might want to ask yourself what she needs them for," said Newell, the ATF special agent in charge in Phoenix. "If she says, 'Christmas presents,' technically the dealer doesn't have to ask for more."
Under federal law, a gun dealer who sells two or more handguns to the same person within five business days must report the sales to ATF. The agency has identified such sales as a red flag, or "significant indicator," of trafficking. But multiple sales of "long guns," which include shotguns and rifles such as AK-47s, do not have to be reported to ATF.
The Justice Department inspector general said in a report last month that "the lack of a reporting requirement of multiple sales of long guns - which have become the cartels' weapons of choice - hinders ATF's ability to disrupt the flow of illegal weapons into Mexico."
Over the years, the gun lobby has successfully opposed such a requirement, arguing it is not needed, because long guns are far less likely to be used in crimes. But the percentage of long guns recovered in Mexican crimes has been steadily increasing, from 20 percent in 2004 to 48 percent in 2009, reports show.
"The reasons that the deaths are so high in Mexico are the long guns," said James Cavanaugh, a former high-ranking official with ATF. "The velocity of the round and the amount they can put out quickly is what makes it so deadly."
Roadblocks for ATF
The biggest case ATF brought against a gun dealer in Project Gunrunner illustrates the obstacles agents face when they try to do something about stores sending guns to Mexico.
It was a case that seemingly had everything in its favor.
Corrupt gun stores usually are hard to catch because law enforcement needs evidence that the stores knowingly sold weapons intended for criminals. In this case, the agents had tons of evidence: surveillance, recorded phone calls, confidential informants and undercover agents posing as straw buyers.
In late 2007, ATF agents busted suspects who told the agents they had purchased hundreds of weapons from a single dealer: George Iknadosian, who owned a Phoenix gun store called X-Caliber.
Agents examined the dealer's traces and found that 86 guns had been recovered by police in the United States and Mexico between 2005 and 2008. Of those, 47 had been traced from Mexican crime scenes.
The store had sold 710 guns of the types known to be popular with Mexican drug cartels - more than 500 AK-47s and SKS-style rifles, plus one especially lethal .50-caliber Barrett rifle capable of piercing armored vehicles.
The U.S. Attorney's Office in Phoenix declined to take the case, because it started out with low-level straw-purchaser charges and was going to require a lot of time and resources to develop further. So ATF took the case to the Arizona attorney general, who worked on it for more than a year with the Phoenix Police Department.
Iknadosian instructed undercover agents posing as straw purchasers about how to sneak weapons across the border, advising them to cross on weekends and Fridays when border agents might be off fishing.
"When you guys buy them [guns], I run the paperwork, you're okay, you're gone," he said. "On my end, I don't give a crap."
Iknadosian was charged with violations of state fraud, forgery, racketeering and money laundering laws.
"This was an amazingly well-prepared case," said Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard. "The evidence was all there. There is no question what was going on."
But in March 2009, a state judge, Robert Gottsfield, dismissed the case before it went to the jury.
"The judge's decision was inscrutable," Goddard said. "It was a real shock to our office."
Iknadosian's attorney, Thomas M. Baker, said he showed on cross-examination that ATF's informants were not credible.
"The ATF and Terry Goddard decided to give every single one of them probation if they would testify against George," Baker said. He said the conversations with Iknadosian were "out of context."
In an interview, Gottsfield defended his decision, which he said was one of the few times in 30 years he had dismissed a case before it went to a jury.
He agreed that there was ample evidence against Iknadosian, but he called the case "overcharged."
"There certainly was evidence that Iknadosian was selling to people who were not buying the guns for themselves, and that's a class-one misdemeanor," Gottsfield said.
About guns going to Mexico from the United States, the judge said: "It is a terrible problem. They have to do something about it."
Behind Earth Day
Editor -- Regarding the Sept. 27, 2008, Open Forum article: "Why was April 22 chosen as Earth Day?"
What event happened?"
I may know, because in April 1968, San Francisco State College celebrated the first Earth Day.
Following the oil spill in Santa Barbra, three biology students at S.F. State, who were also part of SDS, the Joe Hill caucus, decided to hold a event to unify the green and the red movements on campus. The administration gave us the main auditorium. We had eight speakers, including Guissippi Slater, Paul Kangas, Doug Kitt and Golden Gate Park's head gardener.
We decided to hold the first Earth Day on April 22, because that was V.I. Lenin's birthday. We thought using that date would unify the greens and the reds. So now you know the rest of the story.
San Francisco
This site is improving its function to providing a new vision of how to achieve a Free Medical System and prevent heart disease.
Yes we will have universal health care. This is how to make it free.
Michael Moores new movie Sicko is a good first step in understanding the problem.
Here is our definition of a free medical system in 2008. A medical system where people learn to use their own ability to be their own first provider. Prevention.
Can you learn how to prevent cancer for free? Yes. You have to take responsibility to be your own doctor. If I can show you a free medicine that can prevent cancer, would you take it? There are no negative side effects. Strange but true. Life is often stranger than fiction. This is one such example. Read on.
Shocking? No. Who would you rather trust your health to? Some expert, who will only live to age 57, or some insurance company who will tell you what you can not have? Two bad choices.
What if we could show you how to live to 120 free. Even better, how you could make money teaching people how to have a free medical system. Would people be willing to pay you $50. an hour to teach them how to provide themselves with free medicine?
Great work if you can get. And you can get it if you try. Even better, just by teaching this system to people, you become even a better expert at giving yourself the very best medical system possible. By teaching, you learn.
Probably the first step, is we must teach Prevention in our colleges.
There is a new movement being created by DuPont, called Campus Climate Challenge. It exists in 18 states. Their goal is dealing with Global Warming. Nice, but no cigar. One big issue in global warming is the population bomb. Next is the lack of fresh water for children and everyone.
Our goal is to educate a small growing group of new barefoot doctors who will creativly show the connections of recycling Your Own Perfect Medicine as a solution to the lack of mother milk and water for children.
Our first step is to create action groups on college campuses. If you want to join this New Peace Corp, more of a Free Medical Doctors Corp, please start a group on your college campus.
It sounds idealistic, but it is just more realistic that we need to provide a worldwide free medical system. It would be like waiting for pie in the sky to wait for the political system to provide Universal Health care. Instead, what we have to do to jump start the whole process is to work with existing groups working for Single Payer, and form a faction inside those groups.
I have done just that. I have a faction with 3 members. All who practice AUT, the free medical system today.
Name 7 ways you can build a free medical system.
1 - Laughter. Laugh as often as you can. It is the best medicine. Laughter is a good example of an exercise that few understand the value of.
2 - Urine theapy is an example of a free medical system. I realize that my shock you, at first, but after you have studied AUT for 15 years, as I have, you begin to understand why it works and why it is necessary.
3 - While herbs are not free, they are so powerful, they have to be seen as part of the new world free medical system.
4 - Selenium cure Cancer.
And Heart disease. Here is an example:
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Joe Kennedy, a journeyman left-hander who pitched for three major league teams last season, died at his in-laws' home Friday, from heart disease, due to sweating. Sweating? Yes! He sweat out all his selenium for the 5 years playing baseball. He was 28. Every year, the US looses 100,000 athletes the same way. Yet no one is protesting these deaths caused by parents & schools feeding their kids food that lacks minerals.
After going to bed early, about 10pm, Kennedy woke up at about 1:15 a.m. Friday and collapsed, as he was leaving his bedroom, to take a pee, at the home of his wife's parents, Hillsborough County sheriff's spokeswoman Debbie Carter said. Hillsborough County Fire Rescue took Kennedy to Brandon Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, she said.
"We were terribly shocked," Blue Jays president Paul Godfrey told The Associated Press. "From what we understand he was in Brandon ... to be the best man at a wedding today."
Godfrey didn't have particulars on the cause of death.
"Obviously, when a 28-year-old man dies, ball player or not, it's a terrible, terrible thing," he said.
Bush killed JFK. See the Photos. This slideshow will cover the secret history of George Bush, from the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba, to Dallas & the JFK assassination, to Watergate. No one covers it better than Private Investigator Paul Kangas, former Guard for President Kennedy and member of the US Bay of Pigs Invastion of Cuba.
Meet Paul Kangas, in person,
Paul Kangas will be speaking and answering questions. Seating is limited to the first 50 people only. You must be in your seat by 5pm. Doors close after the 50th person. No one will be allowed in after the doors close.
This is a Petition to Request the United States House of Representatives
to begin an Investigation to see
Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:
"There is no cure for autism" says pediatric
psychologist James Mulick at a recent American
Psychological Association (APA) conference where his
Ohio State University grad students criticized parents of
autistic children, who maintain their children's autism
involves neuroimmune dysfunction that is treatable
with nutrition and immune modulating therapies. It
appears that some psychologists are afraid they will
lose a good chunk of their business if they can't keep
autistic children in chemical and behavior modification
chains and out of the offices of enlightened health care
professionals successfully treating autism another
Mulick is a proponent of the old and very
expensive, long term Early Intensive Behavioral
Intervention (EIBI) therapy performed by child
psychologists on mentally retarded and autistic
individuals, many times with simultaneous use of
prescription drugs. Although this kind of intervention
may work for some autistic children and parents, it is
by no means the be-all and end-all of treatment for
children who have experienced regressive autism.
How sad that doctors in teaching positions at
major universities, such as Ohio State University, are
instructing their young students to belittle parents, who
search for non-toxic nutrition and supplement
therapies to lessen their children's brain and immune
system dysfunction. These Bettleheim wanna-bes
cannot resist setting themselves up as high priests in
the new Church of Scientism, where they preach a
dogma that requires the promotion of pharmaceutical
products and medical interventions sanctioned by the
church they have created.
The high priests of Scientism feel threatened
when they cannot convert those who refuse to believe
and obey. Thus, the demonization of the unbelievers
and a search for appropriate punishment begins. In
this case, perhaps the idea that parents, who provide
their autistic children with gluten and casein free food,
should be legally prosecuted for "child medical
abuse." This would allow the children to be made
wards of the State so that doctors employed by the
State could force them to drink cow's milk instead of
rice milk, eat white bread instead of rice, take Ritalin
instead of vitamin B and be subjected to
extreme "behavior modification" techniques that would
make a Marine beg for mercy.
Our grandmothers may
have given us an apple and a spoonful of cod liver oil
every day to keep the doctor away, but the high priests
of Scientism are going to make sure that vitamin and
omega 3 supplements are branded "dangerous" so
they can keep conning politicians into legally requiring
babies to be injected with mercury and aluminum
while convincing themselves that a little Prozac never
hurt a toddler.
What really makes the Scientism devotees angry
is that autism is not about bad mothering, as the late,
great Bernie Rimland, Ph.D. demonstrated. It is not
about "bad genes" as the parent bashing pediatric
psychologists tell their students at Ohio State
University. No, autism is mostly about loving parents
allowing their perfectly normal, healthy babies to be
subjected to 48 doses of 14 viral and bacterial
vaccines at the hands of clueless pediatricians and
then watching in horror as their babies regress into a
spectrum of chronic brain and immune system
dysfunction that finally ends with a diagnosis
of "autism." And when enlightened health care
professionals, who refuse to subscribe to
the "incurable autism" myth, work with parents to
provide healing nutritional and other natural therapies
that lessen or sometimes totally eliminate the
children's vaccine-induced brain and immune system
dysfunction, the apostles of Scientism are both jealous
and worried they will lose paying customers.
Too many doctors of medicine have made a
Faustian bargain with the pharmaceutical industry. And
slowly, the people are figuring out that medical science
has been hijacked by ideologues, who pretend to
love "scientific truth" but love power and money
Abraham Lincoln said "You can fool some of the
people all of the time, and all of the people some of the
time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the
time." It is time to take back our lives from drug and
vaccine pushing doctors who worship at the alter of
Scientism and exploit the people for power and profit.
IS there is grounds to Bring Charges Against (Impeach) the President and Vice President of the United States of America President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney have violated their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and have committed high crimes, including but not limited to:
1. The President and Vice President lied to Congress and the American People about Iraq's involvement in the 9/11 attacks, and "fixed the intelligence" about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, thus justifying the invasion of Iraq with false and misleading statements.
2. To investigate to see if the best evidence shows, Bush crime family murdered of President Kennedy. This success embolden them to overthrow the Constitution. Remember, Geo. H.W. Bush was in charge of the Bay of Pigs, was in Dallas, 11-22-63, and his reward for his success in Dallas was he was made the head of the CIA.
Bush was then given the Presidency to protect the secrets of Dallas & the Bay of Pigs.
If we do not organize and Impeach now, the next President will continue to violate the laws without fear. If we are able to Impeach, that will put our nation back under the rule of law.
3. The President and Vice President secretly approved wiretaps and electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens without a court order, violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the 4th Amendment to our Constitution.
4. The President and Vice President approved torturing prisoners in violation of the 8th Amendment of our Constitution and the Geneva Convention. In an act of further arrogance, the President wrote in a “signing statement” in December 2005, that he had the right to ignore Congress’ express prohibition of torture.
5. The same Constitution that Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney have violated provides only one way for them to be charged with their crimes. The House of Representatives must investigate and charge them, through the impeachment process. Under the law We The People can also Prosecute Cheney & Bush criminally after they leave office. If the charges are proven, the laws allows criminal charges, to include life in prison and/or the death penalty for the crimes committed by Bush & Cheney. This is the least we can do.
Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens, respectfully request our elected officials who took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, to call on our State Legislators to initiate a petition for impeachment, and to request that Nancy Pelosi, our Representative in the House, should lead the effort to initiate impeachment hearings of the President and Vice President. Sincerely
The assassination of Black Journalist Chauncey Bailey by the right wing Black Muslims.
This story show the value of doing crime investigation.
It just so happens, that the police had been following 3 suspected killers in Oakland.
Why? Because they had evidence that these 3 members of the Muslims were actually a street gang engaging in the murders of rivil drug dealers. They also had tips the Muslims were engaged in numerous rapes, arsons, and home robberies. ( Note: most of this article was written shortly after the assassination, on Friday. Now on Saturday they have arrested a 19 yearold, who was put up to this crime, as a patsy, by older adults, who are using this kid. Just like the adults train kids to be suicide bombers in the middle East. The real cause of the crime are still at large. And heading to Mexico. )
To read more, Google Olasunkanmi Onipede, or the East Bay Express articles on how the Black Muslim Bakery has been a terrorist organization of ex-cons, since it was founded.
In March 1994, Black Muslim leader Nedir Bey allegedly tortured a man for several hours, beating him with a police flashlight and jamming the barrel of a gun inside his mouth. When Oakland police arrived to investigate the incident, Bey's associates mounted an organized attack in which mob leader Basheer Muhammad allegedly rallied his troops by shouting that white officers would soon die.
How did the Oakland Tribune play the story?
By burying it on page A-13. And what did the San Francisco Chronicle write? Nothing.
In May 1994, mayoral candidate Yusuf Bey organized a massive hate rally that featured disgraced Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Muhammad ranting about the "no-good, hook-nosed Jews sucking our blood." Yusuf Bey heaped praise upon his guest speaker and scolded Jews who objected to Muhammad's appearance.
How did the media respond?
By running a profile of Bey later that summer that treated him as a thoughtful statesman, speaking of his "life devoted to the development of economic self-reliance for Oakland's African-American community."
After years of horrific allegations of torture, beatings, and anti-Semitism on the part of the Bey "family," what does state Senator Don Perata think of Yusuf Bey? "The leadership you provide should be an inspiration to all concerned over the city's future," Perata wrote Bey in August.
You can read the senator's words for yourself; his framed, handwritten letter sits atop the pie case in the lobby of Bey's bakery.
Monday, 7-30-07, the police noticed that something unusual was going on. Certain movements by these 3 men, all were seen meeting in ways that indicated an operation of some sort was being planned. Meetings were being held. People were doing target practice in the basement of the Bakery.
Then when 7 black muslim got up at 5am Thursday, and met, the police surveillance officers knew odd something was up.
Police followed the 3 black muslims.
After the white van , containing 3 assassinas, shot Bailey, they sped away.
What can we learn from this assassination of a Journalist by rightwing religious terrorists?
Organizations of ex-cons should be suspect.
Organizations of people, only of one race, should be suspect, be they a group of white ex-cons, or black.
What makes the Muslims right wingers?
They oppose abortion. They are religious and oppose science. They are racists. They engage in gang rapes. They kidnap people. They hate and oppress women. They engage in murder. They are anti gay. All of these facts fits the Black Muslims perfectly. That makes them a right wing group, identical to the KKK, and so not part of the civil society.
They teach their kids to be anti science, anti abortion and racists. Some may try to claim this is a government attack on the Black community.
Just because someone is Black does not mean they are part of the black civil community.
If they assassinate people they are now criminals and not party of the civil society.
It is time for the Black community to stand up against criminals and break the code of silence. We all must be brave enough to bear witness. Can I get a witness? By intergrating the community, we can break the code of silence.
They are criminals and should get the death penalty. Putting them in prison will only encourage them to murder more people, mainly gays, in prison.
The key to getting rid of this religious right wing scum in the Black community, is for people to fight to legalize abortion.
Pete Wilson, ABC Journalist, died in SF, at 62, because he never got the news.
The hip surgery was a success,..... but the patient died.
What's the news? The news is, that hip replacement surgery is usually preventable and so unnecessary. It has been known since 1980 that if people just eat right for their blood type and take gelatin, they will be able to maintain their hip joints and all joints, until they are 100+. Hip surgery is medical malpractice pushed by doctor, mainly because insurance companies will pay for it. A doctor can get very rich just doing hip replacement surgery. Another totally unnecessay surgery.
Wilson’s death reveals how twisted our medical system is.
If people did not have medical insurance, doctors would tell the truth, that gelatin and liquid colloidal minerals will maintain your bone joints. Why use surgery, when supplementation with gelatin will do better?
This lack of focus on Prevention Medicine is caused by insurance money twisting doctors heads into a greedy lust for money. Prevention be damned.
The main reason most people become doctors is just for the money. Especially at Stanford. This clearly was medical malpractice on the part of Stanford Hospital.
Every doctor at Stanford uses gelatin, aka glucoseamine. A doctor at Stanford did say, "The hip operation was a success."
We are suppose to learn from each person’s death. What have we learned from Wilson’s death? That people who use gelatin never need to get hip replacement surgery. That surgery should be the last choise. That hip surgey can kill.
Artery blockage. This is caused by a lack of vitamin C supplementation. People, like Linus Pauling, who lived to 94, who took 2 grams of vitamin C hourly, and Paul Kangas, who takes 2 grams of vitamin C hourly, have totally clear arteries.
Now the news is reporting that Wilson had some heart arteries that were 70% to 100% blocked by plaque. Why didn’t the doctors check for that before they did the surgery? They are suppose to do a full physical before each surgery. Clearly medical malpractice. Stanford hospital should be investigated & then closed down.
Here again, the perfect skeptic, Pete Wilson never got the news about supplementation. Wilson told me he did not believe people needed to take vitamin pills. Now we see the result of people who do not supplement with mineral ascorbate vitamin C. Clogged arteries. Why this happens is explained fully on page 69 below.
People who get the news, know that we must supplement with vitamin C hourly, or else we get blocked arteries. Now no one has any excuse for not taking vitamin C hourly.
Laughing at death. This means the ability to live to 100. It does not mean being happy when someone famous dies. Why not laught at death? I can afford to. I am 66 & alive. I will live to 100+ because I take vitamin C hourly. That reminds me, time to take my spoon full of vitamin C powder now. Whoopee.
Pete Wilson is dead at 62. From a lack of selenium.
Laughing at death. Should we laugh when a millionaire dies?
Yes & no. It is sad & funny at the same time when highly educated people die so young.
Especially when they die in the best hospital in the world. Of a totally preventable disease.
That is why Michael Moore can make a comedy about health care. The black comedy of hospital errors.
No one should ever be treated with surgery for hip replacement. The cure is gelatin. Not surgery. Of course, I can say that till I’m blue in the face & no millionaire will listen.
They all want a quick fix. They are not willing to do Prevention. Even Michael Moore will not do Prevention. Even Moore is looking for a quick fix for his diabetes.
It would be a waste of time to send a letter to the editor about this, because most people have no idea that heart disease is caused by a lack of selenium. They would never even consider selenium.
I had actually called Wilson to discuss the role of selenium in preventing heart disease.
Another time his talk show was discussing the medical differences between gays & straights. I told him about the research I had read, done by gay doctors, showing that gay brains are different and even the 3 tiny bones in the ears are different, due to a lack of selenium. Wilson was very careful with my comments, but he did let me discuss the research.
I was glad to hear from him that he had seen the same studies. I told him the research suggests that children who have a lack of selenium in their diets tend to become gay. Which is exactly what the research show. I also told him that a lack of selenium leads to AIDS and heart disease. How ironic that Wilson should die from the very disease he & I talked about on his shows in 2006.
Each mans death diminishes us all. Hopefully someone will wake up to the role of selenium in preventing heart disease.
Here Wilson is, in the “best” hospital in the nation, getting a simple hip replacement surgery, and he dies so young.
Hip replace surgery can be totally avoided if people eat right 4 their blood type & drink gelatin drinks daily. I take gelatin daily and jog daily at 66. No one will believe that treatment either. So much for western doctors. Hip replacement surgery does not work. Is that more obvious now.
Did Carbon Monoxide Kill Edgar Allan Poe?
NEW YORK, Oct 11 (Reuters Health) -- "I was sick -- sick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me," Edgar Allan Poe began his short story "The Pit and the Pendulum" in 1842. Most readers find spine chilling thrills in the writer's works -- but one researcher has found clues in Poe's work that suggest the Master of the Macabre may have been killed by carbon monoxide poisoning.
Poe died October 7, 1849, at the age of 40. On his death certificate, the cause of death given was "congestion of the brain." Four days before his death, Poe was admitted to a hospital attached to Washington College Medical School. He was unconscious for 10 hours, then experienced hallucinations and tremors. He was described as "overexcited and incoherent."
Previous researchers have suggested that Poe died of complications of alcoholism, or as a result of rabies contracted from one of his cats.
On Saturday, a Johns Hopkins researcher told the International Edgar Allan Poe Conference in Richmond, Virginia, that evidence suggests Poe experienced symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning for years.
"There are 14 stories with some symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning," Albert Donnay told Reuters Health during the meeting. "Many of the symptoms are central to the story and consistent with CO poisoning.... The only other way he could have written (about the symptoms) such as are described in The Tell-Tale Heart is by imagining them... but that is unlikely," according to Donnay. In that story, Poe speaks of an "overacuteness of the senses."
Donnay noted that the stories that describe symptoms of CO poisoning were written when Poe lived in Baltimore and Philadelphia, cities lit by gas. When Poe lived in areas without gas lighting, such as Richmond, his work did not reflect such symptoms.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, mood swings, and chest pain. Among patients who have lost consciousness due to CO poisoning and responded to treatment, psychiatric symptoms have been noted weeks after exposure.
During his life, Poe complained of prolonged headaches, blurred vision, spasms, hypersensitivity to stimuli, and extreme fatigue. He also had a facial asymmetry, where one side of his face appeared dragged down, suggestive of chemical sensitivity, Donnay said.
Donnay is executive director of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Referral and Resources, a nonprofit group that aims to educate healthcare professionals and consumers about multiple chemical sensitivity disorders.
Chronic carbon monoxide poisoning may be more common than is currently recognized, Donnay told Reuters Health. He says that between 10% and 15% of patients in the emergency department have symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, but are unaware of it. "We have a huge CO poisoning problem, but it is unrecognized," Donnay asserts.
One ecological note. As transportation is evolving to day, with bikes gaining more and more control of roads, which is good and necessary, cars will become smaller.
The next big thing in the evolution of cars will be small solar powered golf carts, for senior citizens to drive in bike lanes, and for disabled people to use.
Big cars will be phased out by 2041, because the world will be out of oil.
New topic, 5-12-07: Free treatment for Kidney failure.
See 3 pages below. ( Did Bush kill JFK? Read page 69.)
The number one issue that worries most Americans is health care!
America is a very wealthy nation. Yet, American is 27th from the top, in quality health care. Yes, 26 other nations have better health care. Yet, our health care system is the most expensive in the world, when it could be affordable. It is not affordable, because doctor have become parasites and because the Government wastes too much money on War. We must stop this war now.
For one year, until Christmas 2007, this web site will discuss what You & I can do to pressure the spineless Democrats to help stop Global Warming.
Global Warming is something that We the People can prevent, better than Government or Private Business. Business will just try to make a buck. Government will just try to pass the buck. If you and I do not do something, we will only have ourselves to blame for the massive flooding that is approching all flood plains. Global warming is too serious to leave to the government. Al Gore did the right thing. He started a citizens campaign against it. Please join Al & me as we reverse the fever that is gripping our Mother Earth. Our Mom is sick. We can do something. Mothers Day was the first official anti-war day. Two Moms, one from the South & one from the North met to grieve the loss of their sons, during the Civil War, and they vowed to put an end to war.
As a Biologist, I am alarmed at the rate of global warming. Jim Hanson, of NASA warned us in 1975 that global warming was caused by Business interests ignoring facts. Jim was right. For that reason he was censored by George Bush, Sr. & Jr.
Censoring Jim Hanson did not stop global warming. The rate of warming just got faster. The whole ski industry is being wiped out because of Global warming.
Go see the movie AN Inconvient Truth. If you saw it once, take someone who has not see it yet.
What 7 things can you do to stop global warming?
1 - Wear long johns and dress warm in the cold. Most people in the world live in houses without heating. So can we. The #1 thing Americans can do is stop heating their homes. That requires good insulation, double pane windows and solar panels, but we owe this to the world. People in Pakistan, where it is 30 below in the winter, live without home heating. They just wear down jackets. Down jackets were invented by the Koreans in 1900. We discovered them during the Korean war.
2 - Sleep in a down sleeping bag, so you do not need to heat your house.
I have lived for 40 years without using heating.
Here is my challenge for 2007: I invite anyone in Minnesota to invite me to live in their garage for 1 month during the coldest time of the year. I will show you how easy it is to live without heat, even in the coldest month of this winter. If you have a place, please call me at 415-368-8581, so I may live with you for a month.
3 - Exercise. Do a set of 3 minutes of weight lifting. Then rest for 30 seconds. Then do a different set of 3 minutes. Repeat for a total of 30 minutes each day. This will generate tremendous heat in your body & prevent heart disease, if you take one oz. of liquid colloidial minerals with each meal. In the summer add a pinch of sea salt with each glass of water and you will not suffer from heat exhaustion. Lack of sea salt is the major cause of deaths caused by heat. Gandhi was right to break the salt tax in India, to supply the people with free sea salt. Commercial salt, that pours when it rains, contains aluminum, which causes Alzheimers disease.
4 - Wash your clothes in the sun. Just by hanging clothes in the sun, that will remove all the bacteria. Clothes washed in the sun last longer than clothes washed in a machine. Dry your clothes on a clothes line. Stop washing clothes every week. In the winter, just wear them longer. Americans try to be too clean, because they feel guilty about the war.
5 - Adopt to the huge changes coming faster than we can prevent or block.
The private sector, has no Vision, no idea and no motivation to fight Global Warming.
There is no one in the private sector who has even written a report, much less a book or film listing what needs to be done to protect home owners in flood plains.
Move Sacramento to higher ground. Sacramento is on a flood plain. We must stop building new houses and stop building levees. Instead we must move Sacramento 100 miles to the North East, to higher ground. The flood is coming in 2008 that will be a disaster to Sacramento, California. We need to set an example for New Orleans and the world by moving Sacramento to higher ground in 2008.
Selling insurance is not an answer. Move.
ZPG. Zero Population Growth. Whole nations will soon be drown. Millions are unwanted people will be rushing to immigrate away from flood plains and to come into America. We must legalize Abortion worldwide NOW, to prevent million of babies from being born in the next 10 years. During the flood, there will be no place for the new babies to go. Prevent millions of death babies in the flood, by preventing millions of babies from even being born, now. The Pope is an enemy of the human race, because he opposes abortion. Ban the Pope. Jail the Pope.
6 - Write a letter to your local officials, oppose repairing the levees In Sacramento, California. Instead call for moving all housing out of the flood plains, and then breach the levees. Return all flood plains, like the whole city of Sacramento and New Orleans, back to the flood plains, back to nature. We need flood plains to protect wild birds, fish & fauna. Flood plains are a natural protection against floods.
There is a massive flood of salt water, slowly creeping up on the whole world, by 2010.
Get ready. MOVE. Head for higher ground now. The land is cheaper now. By the time the majority realize they must move to high ground, all the good places will be taken.
Find a retirement villege on high ground.
7 -
Work / Live spaces. Re-Organize your life so you can walk to work. Stop driving cars. That huge flood of cars from the city to the suburbs, that happens every day at 5pm in American cities must be stopped. That flood of cars is the second major cause of global warming and wars. The French, Cuba & Holland are countries that uses more bikes than any other place on Earth. Learn from the Dutch.
Yes, the flood will be gradual and may take 5 years, for most people to notice that the tide is rising, but why wait.
8 - Sweden has stopped using OIL. Yes, the whole nation has stopped using imported oil. They have shifted into walking, biking and using bio-fuel to run industry on. Sweden is now a leader in solar, wind power, tidal power, conservation and peace.
Start a business that sells survival gear, or real estate on mountain tops.
Move to a high city, like Denver, before everyone else gets the idea to move there.
Start a business that sells IDEAS, ways, to stop using oil.
Right now the Media is writing suggestions of what to do, that will prove too little, too late. Business is just trying to make a buck and so are useless to prevent global warming. People simple have to find ways to live better on less heat, less oil, or even no oil. Sweden has a plan to totally eliminated the use of oil by 2020.
Climate models predict that California's average temperature will increase about 9.0 degrees Fahrenheit in the next century. For every 2% of added warmth, snow level in the Sierra is expected to move 500 feet higher. By 2020 there will be little snow in the high mountains.
Even at the low end of that range, snow level would rise about 1,000 feet, cutting the state's snowpack in half, by 2020, according to one simulation by climate scientists. In the worst case, the Sierra snowpack could shrink by as much as 90 percent by 2020.
The northern Sierra, California's most important snow country, is at a lower elevation than the southern portion of the range and is especially sensitive to warming temperatures.
That snow line is going to rise to the summit in much of the northern Sierra, said Jeff Mount, director of the Center for Watershed Sciences at the University of California-Davis. That changes everything.
More than 150 scientific papers have been published on climate change and California's water. They contain an increasingly clear message that global warming is here to stay for the next 20 years, said Peter Gleick, president of the Oakland-based Pacific Institute.
A scientist and environmental advocate, he published the first detailed study of how climate change could affect the state's water supply 27 years ago.
We can,t explain the changes that we,re seeing without invoking human influences. They cannot be just the results of natural variability.
Six years ago, scientists using data on Sierra snowmelt and the first spring blooms of lilacs and honeysuckles concluded that spring has been arriving earlier in the West since the 1970s, a period of massive air pollution from coal burning power generators and wars.
At first, the researchers could not rule out the possibility that the shift was caused by the warm phase of a natural climate cycle. But later studies mostly rejected natural causes as an explanation.
A 2005 paper in the Journal of Climate confirmed the early blooming trend. It added that Western mountain streams continued to swell with melted snow one to four weeks earlier in the spring, even after the climate cycle shifted back to its cooler phase.
Urine Therapy Prevents Kidney Failure.
By Walter Last
American Indian teach that where ever a poisonous plant is found, the anti-dote will be found within a few feet of the poisonous plant.
Kidney recovery.
Karen sounded rather frightened when she talked to me on the phone for the first time. Fluid filled her body up to her waist and she feared having to go on dialysis soon with a kidney transplant later.
I suggested a urine fast as the most effective treatment or alternatively a juice fast and watermelon diet combined with suitable supplements and diuretics. She opted for the juice and watermelon diet.
However, after two weeks there was no improvement. In desperation she agreed to try a urine fast. Normally I would have recommended continuing the urine fast until she was more or less cured, but because she told me that she was extremely skinny, I suggested a duration of 2 weeks.
Here is her own report of what happened.
My experience with Nephrotic Syndrome commenced a year ago in October. I had been suffering shortness of breath especially after exercise, but like most people I ignored this hoping it would go away. This shortness of breath persisted and early November I had swelling around both ankles. To relieve these symptoms I had acupuncture but unfortunately it gave only temporary relief. A doctor's visit was necessary and after blood and urine tests my condition was diagnosed. At this stage I had a urinary protein loss of 8.2gms over a 24 hour period and my cholesterol had reached a reading of 9.7. I am of slim build and my cholesterol had always been at an acceptable level.
I was immediately sent to a renal specialist with a biopsy booked in a couple of days time which would consist of nephrons being extracted from one kidney, examined under a microscope to determine the exact nephrotic condition and then an initial six week course on cortisone to be commenced.
I was very frightened at this stage, and I was feeling very grateful that I had a specialist who "was looking after me", trying to prevent my kidneys from going into renal failure. According to him I needed this treatment to possibly stop my kidneys deteriorating further. This in turn might avoid the prospect of dialysis later and of course a kidney transplant further on. The presence of a tumour was ruled out and at the time it was a relief that my problems were coming to an end.