Peterborough SF
Writers' Group

writing spacegirl


Mother Milk / Father Flywheel was published summer '97 as the second anthology of short stories produced by the group.
Our intention with the anthology was to show a spectrum of attitudes towards the interaction of machines with man. For some of us they have their own irresistible glamour. Others are terrified of them, and an important sub-theme taps into the fear of physical changes made to the human body without consent, an integral element of many horror stories. Like it or not, machines have already left their mark on us.

mother milk father flywheel font cover illustration

Useful tools, or a menace to mankind? Boon or blight? We invite you to decide for yourselves after reading this anthology.

Contains short stories by

  • Cardinal Cox
  • Simon Williams
  • Martin Wesley
  • Darren Oldman
  • Helen Claire Gould
Artwork by Nicki, and Helen & Mike Gould

Limited number of copies still available from the contact address for only £1:00 plus a first class stamped, self addressed A5 envelope. Please Email for further details.


Copyright 1998, 1999 {Darren Oldman : Webmaster} & {Peterborough SF Writers' Group : Owner}