"Catch Me" could be a great role for DiCaprio
(by Danny Lorber)
From (, August 1, 2000:

Leonardo DiCaprio has agreed to star in "Catch Me If You Can", a film described as "Talented Mr. Ripley-esque" by a source close to the actor.

The screenplay, which iFUSE has read, has been one of the hottest properties in Hollywood in years, telling the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., a con man who pulled off nearly every moneymaking hoax one can think of between the mid-40's and the mid-60's.

The source said that DiCaprio finalized a deal with DreamWorks Monday (July 31), and will be paid $20 million for his services. DreamWorks had given the script to DiCaprio and DiCaprio only.

"He's absolutely perfect for the role, and the script really allows him to do some real acting," the source said. "He was by and far DreamWorks' top choice. They gave him the script about a month ago and waited for him to decide."

No director has been chosen yet. Our source said that part of DiCaprio's deal allows him to approve who will be at the film's helm. Variety reported Monday that David Fincher and Gore Verbinsky ("Mouse Hunt") are the front runners.

The script for "Catch Me" is a fast-moving, entertaining read. It tells the story of Frank Abagnale Jr., a suave, highly-likeable young man who uses his considerable charms to work relentless scams on anybody he can for money or ingeniously earned freebies.

Abagnale's efforts are done without the slightest remorse, as when he makes a debutante fall for him, passionately, only to make off with all of the money her family has left her. She's left devasted, and the results are tragic.

Abagnale also dons professional disguises. He pretends he's a Pan Am pilot, which allows him travel on the airline for free, endlessly, all around the world.

The amazing thing about the story, which is hard to believe even though it's based on fact -- Abagnale was the youngest man ever to make the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List -- is that Abagnale doesn't get caught for more than two decades. He thrives on the risk, but is confident, careful and brilliant enough to get away.

It's a creepy, hugely engrossing character, far more charismatic and interesting than the contemporary twentysomething that DiCaprio portrayed in the critical and box-office failure "The Beach".

Unlike "The Talented Mr. Ripley", the lead character in "Catch Me If You Can" seems more interested in the adventure and the act of pulling a scam, as opposed to doing it out of deep-rooted passions and psychological problems. His life is a game, and he's always having fun. He's aware of the horrible effect his actions cause others, but he brushes it off with a laugh and moves on to the next game.

Abagnale seems the perfect role to highlight DiCaprio's skill at winning the audience over.

DreamWorks wants to start photography on "Catch Me If You Can" this spring. DiCaprio will first star in Martin Scorsese's "Gangs of New York" which starts shooting, after numerous delays, in the next few weeks.

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