Leo to wed
Daily Express: Leo to wed sex bomb Gisele
October 18, 2000

Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio & Brazilain supermodel Gisele Bundchen are reported to be planning a wedding in Italy next month.

Bundchen recently voted the sexiest woman in the world, is in Rome for a fashion shoot & has been trying on wedding dresses by local designer Laura Biagiotti.

Leo, also in the city to film GONY, a new Martin Scorses film, is said to have approached the American consulate to find out what documents are needed for a wedding. The pair are reported in the American media to have invited family members to join them for their secret wedding.

But a DiCaprio aide insisted: "They're not engaged" - despite persistent reports that the star is serious & has spent £175,000 on a ring for Bundchen who is 20.

The two are certainly close & it has been suggested the supermodel who can earm up to £6,000 an hour on the catwalk, has tamed the 25-year-old party-lover Leonardo.


FoxNews: Leo Engaged?
Yelled At by Director? Misbehaving on Set?
October 20, 2000

The rumors:
Leonardo DiCaprio is engaged to marry model Gisele Bundchen. He was also recently yelled at on-set by director Martin Scorsese on the Italian stage of Gangs of New York. He's either too fat or too thin and is horsing around during working hours.

The reality: All I know is that Scorsese is not the sort of director who invites confrontations. A couple of years ago, before filming Bringing out the Dead, he had to ask screenwriter Paul Schrader to tell Nicolas Cage to keep his performance restrained and not over the top. Scorsese literally took them both to a meal, stood up and said, "Paul has something to tell you." And left. So I doubt he yelled at Leo in public, if at all.

A source close to Leo, one of his defenders, says since all the shooting has been at night, it's unlikely Leo's been cavorting off-set, or in Rome, during the wee hours. As for his engagement, and the rumor that Bundchen had a wedding gown fitted, please, someone: Who gets married in the middle of a grueling international shoot? If Leonardo DiCaprio ever gets married, it will be at Moomba, at midnight, with his pals Vincent LaResca, Jay Ferguson and Tobey Maguire as lads-in-waiting.

One thing Leo could do while he's in Europe: catch a showing of Don's Plum, the movie he and Tobey made for pal director R. D. Robb, then sued to make sure it's never shown in the U.S. The international roll-out is underway.


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