Leo says NO to Perfume!
Voila News, October, 2000

Voila News:

He might be flattered but actor Leonardo Di Caprio does not want a Brazilian perfume to bear his name, his lawyers said. Lawyers for the actor have asked local perfume maker Adega Perfumada to pull its DiCaprio brand registration from the Brazilian Intellectual Property Institute, local media reported.

The perfumer based in Paraba state requested registry of the brand back in 1998.

But the actor's attorneys, in a 70-page complaint signed by the star of films such as "Titanic", "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and "Romeo and Juliet", filed suit seeking to stop the use of his name.

"Our lawyers have told us we could fight the suit, but this would be a multimillion dollars lawsuit. How are we going to fight against someone who makes 20 million dollars a film?" asked Adega president Estella Baggio, who runs 160 perfume shops across Brazil.

Thanks Pax!


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