Not for money but for the enviroment
April 6, 2001
Not for money but for the enviroment

Not for money but for the enviroment

Leonardo Di Caprio explains why he took part of the TELECOM commercial.
A project to defend EARTH which you can be part of too and we tell you how.

Q: This project had icons of the 20th century like Marlon Brando, Nelson Mandela and Woody Allen.
Is this the reason why you accepted it?

A: Well as a matter of fact this people was involved before and gave to the project a certain authority (meant as IMPORTANCE)but this was not the main reason that drove me.
The subject of the spot convinced me, living in armony in the respect of nature and environment has been the most important thing that interested me.

Q: You already spoke in America about your worries for environment problems: is this the most interesting thing you found in the project?

A: Yes, it is a very important message in the technology age, we cannot forget to protect nature.
Since I was very young environment matters attracted my attention for one reason or another. Being in my position, which is the one to make hear my voice to the audience, made me feel like I had to do something for this problem growing older. So now I can really say I did something very important.

Q: Last year you were at EARTH DAY in Washington. Do you think to take part to some environment oraganization while you'll be in Italy?

A: Well I have been the EARTH DAY 2000 president and it has been a great honour for me.
There were many other artists and everybody talked about "Clean Energy" thread which is the solution for solving all the problems for sure, to solve the clime changing that represents without a doubt the worst threat for our planet.
Even if I'm very busy in shooting a movie here in Italy, I could deal, through this spot, a collaboration between TELECOM ITALIA and NATIONAL RESOURCE DEFENSE COUNCIL to substain the GLOBAL WARMING CONFERENCE that will take place next November.
But the main message thatIi want to transmit is to stimulate every person to do something.
What we could do this very moment is go to and send an e-mail to our governors concerning this event to push them to pledge to reduce the damages caused by gas and ratify Kyoto protocol. This site is trying to collect about 10 milions e-mail within the conference start which will be on 13th Nov.
I also substain the CLEAN THE WORLD DAY as TELECOM ITALIA here in Italy with LEGAMBIENTE (italian environment organization). I just hope that everybody will give their maximum pludge to do what they can because very soon will be already too late.

Q: When did your pludge on ecologics' problems begin?

Since two years ago and I did everything I could have done. It's not a case that I have an hybrid vehicle that is a car which goes half gas and half electricity.


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