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Operation Higgins



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American POW/MIAs from Previous Wars:

War United States Pennsylvania
World War I 4,452 18
World War II 78,976 448
The Korean War 8,152 593
The Vietnam War 1,871 99
The Cold War 126 16
The Gulf War 3 0
Gulf War II 0 0
Total 93,613 1,174

Statistics are current as of January 14, 2004


World War I [ Roster ] (Pennsylvania Only)
World War II [ Roster ] (Pennsylvania Only)
The Korean War [ Slide Show ]  [ Roster ] (Pennsylvania Only)
The Vietnam War [ Slide Show ]  [ Roster ] (Pennsylvania Only)
The Cold War [ Slide Show ]  [ Roster ] (Pennsylvania Only)

This site is dedicated to Pennsylvania's POW/MIAs and all who diligently served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.  To those who served faithfully, living and dead; to those who have attained a title, attached to the rank that they have earned -- POW/MIA. These Heroes have attained this title through no fault, and no wish, of their own; they wear it like shackles around an ankle and endure through the families who are left behind to ask "Why?" with every tear drop that falls and every year that fades!  It has been proven, and emphatically denied by our government, that many of these Americans, if not still alive, had been well after -- I mean years after -- Operation Homecoming.



  Countless Witnesses; Countless Testimony; the Quang 1205 Document; Garwood (the Vietnam War) and Dumas (the Korean War); Admissions from those in the know...and the list drags on...and on...and on...and on...  Even today, we have a number of South Korean Soldiers who were taken prisoner during their war -- and are finding freedom.  And we can not forget Commander Michael Speicher, first casualty of the Gulf War and the only hero remaining unaccounted for from that war.  Evidence more than suggests he survived his shoot down; we have evidence (and the man) who drove him to his incarceration in Baghdad -- yet he is still there!!!

    It is my hope that this page and the thousands of others just like it will fan a spark of patriotism into a roaring fire. The kind of fire that will consume and purge the soul of our government so that it can lay down it's shield of fallacies and move forward with fevered determination in finding our POW/MIAs - my heroes. It is not enough to just remember these Honored and Brave Americans anymore. Let us unite as a country should and bring them back home where they belong. 

    I implore you to write to your Congressman and Senators; The President; Vice President and members of the News Media. Bombard them with your letters and opinions. Let them know that America does care and will not allow this dark chapter in our society to go unread anymore.  It's time to bring our heroes back home!!!

Please sign this petition and help promote the National Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day.  It's time to start paying them back!!!





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is owned by Mike Blades Site ID#663 

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A compelling and riveting account of research by the acclaimed Author and TV Jounalist Monika Jensen-Stevenson.

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"Why Didn't You Get Me Out?"

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