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Penn's POW/MIAs

Sunday March 9, 2025


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To date, their are literally thousands of Americans listed as POW/MIA.  Of those thousands, hundreds once called Pennsylvania home.  To date, 18 Pennsylvanians remain POW or MIA from World War I, 448 from World War II,  594  from the Korean War, 100 from the Vietnam War, and 16 from Cold War incidents.


It is time for the United States to return to the mountains, jungles, and rice-paddies of Vietnam and Korean to re-claim the sons and daughters of America -- the boys which the U.S. Government left behind. It is true that the U.S. Government has been providing repatriation efforts in Vietnam, however, these efforts are slow at best. We continually sit down with North Korea in hopes of opening up channels for beginning repatriation efforts -- such as to match those on-going in Vietnam. However, they [N. Korea] demand aid in return for our heroes and promptly remove themselves from the table when their demands go unheeded.  How dare ANY country place a price on the duty and honor of returning National Heroes.  Further talks/negotiations continue.....


Write to the President of the United States, and your Statesman as well. Remind them of their obligations to "We the people..." and to those who were led by honor and devotion to duty. Let them know that their constituency is none to pleased with their actions and efforts (or lack thereof) on behalf of our POW/MIAs. Sternly remind them that these Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, and Marines went into harms way for them -- and they abided by the code of conduct. It's time for Washington to abide by that code too! Throughout the confines of this site, you will find a listing of Pennsylvania's loved ones (and some their stories) who remain unaccounted for today. Let's work towards taking this web-page, and one's just like it, off the internet as soon as possible. Keep in mind that, although this site lists only Pennsylvania's boys, ALL of our POW/MIAs are just as important! I hope that your stay is educational, as well as informative, and that you walk [or surf] away feeling a little bit different. Speak for those who can no longer speak for themselves!


Thank you for taking the time to visit this site!


Please be advised -- The following pages are not graphically intense, but can load slowly due to the immense amount of text. Thank you!



[ Hot Reads ]

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Click for all books

A compelling and riveting account of research by the acclaimed Author and TV Jounalist Monika Jensen-Stevenson.

A heart-ripping autobiography of Colonel Jim Thompson, America's Longest-Held Prisoner of War.

"Why Didn't You Get Me Out?"

"One Day Too Long"

"Five Years to Freedom"

"Code-Name Bright Light"




Copyright [2004] [Pennsylvania's POW/MIAs]. All rights reserved.


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