The Silverpsyche

Greetings Everyone!
I shall talk some about myself in this portion of Perigee. I'm not going to get to personal or in depth because my person is not the point of the site and therefor i do not see the relevance of talking about myself in that manner. However for those who are curious i'll provide a few details.

Born and raised in canada, i've lived the average life of a teenager of the 90's. Obviously from the site i'm creating here, i enjoy writing and want to share that interest with others. Some of my other interests/passtimes include reading,camping, hiking, lifeguarding, instructing swimming classes. I"m a Taurean so Spring is my season and i suppose i can be a little materialistic at times. although i think money is evil at times, we don't seem to be able to live without it. I really hate talking about myself, so if you care to know more feel free to send mail through

"Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born."
~Dale E. Turner

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