PFLAG Canada


While at first, HIV (Human Immuno-Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) spread fasted in North America - among gay and bisexual men and drug users who shared needles - all people and communities now face the threat of AIDS.

Therefore, every parent needs to be concerned about AIDS - whether your child is gay or straight. You should make sure your child understands how AIDS is transmitted and how to protect himself or herself. The gay men's community in North America, Western Europe and Australia has been in the forefront of the HIV/AIDS education and prevention. Many of the accepted strategies to fight HIV/AIDS have their origins in the gay community.

With teenagers becoming sexually active at younger ages - and with AIDS still spreading - no parent can afford to ignore the danger or assume his or her child is safe.

If your child is already HIV-positive or has AIDS, he or she now needs your support and love more than ever. You should know that you are not alone. There are numerous organizations that can help you with medical, psychological, emotional and physical care. At this point, your relationship with your child can become even closer but your family will have to learn to adjust to the ongoing physical and emotional circumstances of your child's changing health.

Today, there have been added - to family concerns about discrimination and violence - fears about the AIDS health crisis. Parents are often asked, "What about AIDS?" Our answer is that everyone has to be informed about AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and HIV (Human Immuno-Virus). It is not who you are - gay or straight, male or female, a person of colour or white, city dweller, rural-based or living in a small town - but unsafe sexual practices or blood exchange with an infected person that puts you at risk for AIDS and HIV infection. All of our children must be taught that they can be at risk and must be careful to protect themselves against this disease. We love all our children in sickness and in health. We shall continue to do everything in our power to work for prevention of AIDS and for discovery of a cure. We shall continue to urge that parents give their love and support to every one of their children. We invite all of society to join us in fighting to overcome fear and hysteria and in responding compassionately to the suffering of patients and their families.

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 Last updated: 01/13/2001

        © 1998-2001
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