PFLAG Canada


Parents often ask this question for a number of reasons. They may be grieving over losing an image of their child. They feel they did something wrong. They feel that someone 'led' their child into homosexuality or they wonder if there is a biological cause of homosexuality.

Some parents react with shock, denial and anger to the news that their child is gay. One response is to wonder, "How could my child do this to me?" This is not a rational reaction but it is a human response to pain. We liken this reaction to a grieving process. You are grieving over losing an image of your child. As you work through your feelings, you may discover that the only thing your child has 'done' to you is to trust that your relationship could grow as a result of you knowing the truth about him or her.

"When I found out my son was gay, my reaction was, "What can we do to change it?"

You may feel that your child has been led into homosexuality. It is a popular homophobic assertion that homosexuals 'recruit'. The truth is that no one 'made' your child gay or lesbian. He or she has most likely known he or she was 'different' for a very long time. No person or group of people 'converted' your child.

Other parents feel that their parenting is the cause of their child's sexual identity. For years, psychology and psychiatry have bandied around theories that homosexuality is caused by parental personality types (the dominant female, the weak male - or by the absence of same-sex role models). Those theories are no longer accepted within psychiatry and psychology. Part of PFLAG's work is to help erase these misconceptions from popular culture. Gays and lesbians come from all kinds of families - those with dominant or submissive mothers, weak or strong fathers, etc. They come from families with siblings who are gay, lesbian or bisexual and from families with siblings who are not.

Many parents wonder if there is a genetic or biological basis to homosexuality. While there are some studies on homosexuality and genetics, there are no conclusive studies to date on the 'cause' of homosexuality - or heterosexuality, for that matter. We would encourage you to ask yourself why it is important for you to know why.

Does support or love for your child rely on your being able to point to a cause? Do we ask heterosexual people to justify their sexuality? Remember that gay, lesbian and bisexual people exist in every walk of life, religion, nationality and racial background. Therefore, all gay people, like straight people, are different and have come into an awareness of their sexual identity in different ways and at different ages. Although we may be curious, it should not be important to know why your child is gay or lesbian in order to support and love him or her. Just accept that your child is naturally who he or she was meant to be.

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 Last updated: 01/13/2001

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