Will of Daniel Hull

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To Daniel Hull

[Lancashire County Record Office Preston 1857 Mar 5 WCW W(1)]

The last will and Testament of Daniel Hull of the Township of Abram and County of Lancaster

In the name of God Amen

I Daniel Hull of Abram in the Parish of Wigan and County of Lancaster Colliery Underlooker do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following

First I will that all my just debts Funeral and Testamentary expenses be fully paid and satisfied out of my Personal Estate by My Executors herinafter named

I give unto my natural Son John Vallentine Hull all that my Messuage Dwelling house and Tenement together with all the appurtenances therto belonging situate lying and being in the Township of Blackrod in the Parish of Bolton and County of Lancaster now in the occupation of John and William Seddon as Tenants thereof

I also give unto my said Son John Vallentine Hull all my Household Furniture goods Chattells and moveable affairs together with all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate of what kind and nature soever

In consideration that my said Son John Vallentine Hull shall maintain and support his Mother during the term of her natural life and in case that my said son his family should at any time disagree and my wife Mary Hull shall think fit or proper to leave and reside in any other situation or place then in such case I will that my said Son John Vallentine Hull shall pay unto my said Wife Mary Hull the sum of seven shillings per week for and during the term of her natural life

And in case any of relatives should leave or will to me any legacy or legacies prior to my decease I will that my said Son John Vallentine Hull shall be entitled to the amounts thereof his heirs Executors or administrators

I also nominate constitute and appoint my said Son John Vallentine Hull and my Brotherinlaw Ralph Vallentine of Ratcliffe Bridge in the said County Mine Executors of this my Will and I do hereby revoke disannul and make void all other former Wills by me at any time before made and do ratify confirm this and no other to be my last Will and Testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto set hand and seal this Twenty first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty

Danl Hull

Signed sealed published pronounced

and declared by the within named

Daniel Hull as his last will and

Testament in the presence of us

who in his presence and in the

presence of each other, have hereunto

subscribed our names as witnesses

John Phillips

James Shovelton Witnesses

Peter Lee

The Third Day of March 1857

John Vallentine Hull, one of the Executors in

this will named, was sworn in common form (power

being reserved to Ralph Vallentine, the other Executor

therein also named, to take upon him the Execution of the

said Will, when he shall lawfully request the same).-

And he further made oath that the personal Estate

and Effects of the Testator within the Diocese of Chester

were under the value of Four Hundred and Fifty Pounds

before me -

Wm Thos Whitehead


The Testator died the

25th day of February 1857

Pro issued

Dated 5th March 1857