London Metropolitan Archive


This Indenture made the twenty ninth day of March One thousand eight hundred and sixty Between Jacob Hagen of Ropley [‘House near Alresford’ erased] in the County of Hants Esquire Henry Christy of Kingston upon Thames in the County of Surrey Esquire and James Christy the younger of Boynton Hall near Chelmsford in the county of Essex Esquire of the first part Charles Titterton of Roehampton in the County of Surrey Esquire of the second part and James Rogers of Manchester Buildings in the City of Westminster Gentleman of the third part Whereas Mary Hagen late of Staines in the County of Middlesex Widow deceased being at the date and execution of her hereinafter cited last Will and Testament and thenceforth until her decease legally and beneficially seized in fee simple of the freehold messuages ground and hereditaments hereinafter assured or intended so to be and their appurtenances did by her said Will duly made and executed and dated on or about the ninth day of February One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven after making several pecuniary and specific bequests as to all the rest residue and remainder of her real and personal estate and effects not thereinbefore disposed of give devise and bequeath the same unto and to the use of the said Jacob Hagen and Henry Christy their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the tenure nature and quality thereof respectively but nevertheless upon the trust and purposes thereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that was to say) Upon Trust that they the said Trustees of the survivor of the or the executors administrators or assigns or other the trustees or the trustees for the time being of her said Will should as soon as conveniently might be after her decease call in and convert into money and make sale and absolutely dispose of the same every and any part thereof except ready money either by public auction or private contract and in all other respects in such manner as to them or him should seem meet with full power to buy in and resell the same or any part thereof at their or his discretion without being answerable or accountable for any loss or diminution of price upon any resale and should stand and be possessed of and interested in her said residuary real and personal estate and the proceeds of the conversion and sale thereof upon the trusts in the said Will expressed and the said Testatrix appointed the said Jacob Hagen and Henry Christy Executors of the said Will and did declare that that the receipts in writing of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of and from all obligation of seeing to the application thereof And whereas the said Testatrix made and duly executed a Codicil to her said Will dated on or about the seventeenth day of October One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven whereby she appointed the said James Christy to be a Trustee and Executor of her said will in conjunction with the said Jacob Hagen and Henry Christy for all the purposes for which the said Jacob Hagen and Henry Christy were by this said will appointed Trustees and Executors and with the same estate powers authorities discretion and exemption and in all respects in the same manner as if the said James Christy had been in and by her said Will jointly nominated with the said Jacob Hagen and Henry Christy and all and singular the several devises legacies and bequests in her said Will contained to or in favour of the said Jacob Hagen and Henry Christy upon the several trusts therein expressed in and by her said Will or the now reciting Codicil had been expressly made to or in favor of the said Jacob Hagen Henry Christy and James Christy and the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor Upon the Trusts and for the ends intents and purposes in and by her said Will expressed and declared And the said Testatrix after by her said now reciting Codicil giving additional pecuniary legacies in all other respects confirmed her said Will And whereas the said Testatrix departed this life on or about the twenty fifth day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight without having altered or revoked her said Will otherwise than by the said Codicil and without having revoked or altered the said Codicil and the said Will together with the said Codicil thereunto was onor about the third day of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight proved in Her Majesty’s Principal Court of Probate by the said Jacob Hagen Henry Christy and James Christy the younger And Whereas the said Jacob Hagen Henry Christy and James Christy the younger in exercise and execution of the trusts of the hereinbefore recited Will and Codicil of the said Mary Hagen did on the fourteenth day of July last put up for sale the messuages ground and hereditaments hereinafter assured or intended so to be being part of the residuary estate of the said Mary Hagen so devised upon Trust as aforesaid by public auction in one lot at the Auction Mart in the City of London at which sale the said Charles Titterton hath requested that the said purchased premises may be conveyed to the uses and in manner herein assured or intended so to be free from all incumbrances except the lease hereinafter mentioned at or for the price or sum of One thousand one hundred pounds and he paid the sum of Two hundred and twenty pounds at the said sale as a deposit and in part of the said purchase money And whereas the said Charles Titterton hath requested that the said purchased premises may be conveyed to the uses and in manner herenafter contained Now this Indenture witnesseth that inperformance of the said contract and in consideration of the said sum of Two hundred and twenty pounds so paid by the said Charles Titterton his heirs and assigns for ever All those thirty messuages tenementsor dwelling houses situate standing and being in Edward Street Bermondsey in the County of Surrey thirteen of which are situate on the north side of Edward Street aforesaid adjoining and now or heretofore numbered 1 to 13 both inclusive and the remaining seventeen of which are situate on the south side of Edward Street aforesaid adjoining and now or heretofore numbered respectively 14 to 30 both inclusive And also all that piece or parcel of ground situate on the north side of the said Street adjoining or abutting towards the West on the siad thirteen messuages or tenements towards the east partly on the ground in the occupation of William Butteridge and partly on a Public house called the Ship aground and towards the South on Edward Street aforesaid Together with the two messuages or tenements erected and built upon the last mentioned piece or parcel of ground by Robert Salmon the lessee of the said premises hereinafter mentioned after the granting to him of the lease hereinbefore mentioned and the same are numbered respectively 31 and 32 in Edward Street aforesaid which said first mentioned thirty messuages tenements or dwellinghouses and the said piece or parcel of land whereon the said two messuages numbered 31 and 32 respectively were and are built as aforesaid and all other the hereditaments and premises hereby assured or intended so to be were in and by an Indenture of Lease dated on or about the twenty eighth day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty and made between Jacob Hagen (since deceased) of the one part and the said Robert Salmon of the other part devised by the same Jacob Hagen the then Owner in fee thereof to the said Robert Salmon his executors administrators and assigns for the term of Seventy years from the twenty fifth day of December then last at the yearly rent of Fifty five pounds payable quarterly Together with all houses outhouses edifices buildings yards ways paths passages waters watercourses drains liberties privileges easements profits commodities advantages and appurtenances whatsoever to the said several messuages tenements or dwellinghouses hereditaments and premises hereby assured or intended to be so belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders yearly and other rents issues and profits of the said hereditaments and every part and parcel thereof and all the estate right title interest reversion use trust possession property possibility claim and demand whatsover both at law and in equity of them the said Jacob Hagen (party hereunto) Henry Christy and James Christy the younger and each and every of them in or to the same premises and every part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said several messuages tenements or dwellinghouses and hereditaments and al and singular other the premises thereby assured or intended so to be free and discharged from all incumbrances but subject nonetheless to the said Indenture of Lease dated on or about the twenty eighth day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty unto the said Charles Titterton his heirs and assigns forever Nevertheless To such Uses upon such trusts and for such intents and purposes as the said Charles Titterton from time to time by any deed or deeds to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and attested by one or more credible witness or witnesses shall appoint and in default of and subject to every or any such appointment Then To the Use of the said Charles Titterton and his assigns during his natural life and after the determination of that estate by any means Then To the Use of the said James Rogers his heirs and assigns during the natural life of and Upon Trust for the said Charles Titterton and his assigns And to the intent as the said Charles Titterton doth hereby declare that his Widow if any shall not be entitled to dower therout and after the determination of the several estates herein before limited then To the Use of the said Charles Titterton his heirs and assigns forever and to for and upon no other use trust intent and purpose whatsoever And each of the the said Jacob Hagen (party hereto) Henry Christy and James Christy the younger so far as aspects his own acts and deeds only but not further or otherwise doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant with the said Charles Titterton his heirs appointees and assigns that they the said Jacob Hagen (party hereto) Henry Christy and James Christy the younger have not at any time heretofore made done committed omitted executed or knowingly permitted or suffered or been party or privy to any act deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by reasonor means whereof the several messuages tenements or dwellinghouses and other hereditaments hereby assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances or any part thereof are is can shall or may be in any wise impeached charged affected or prejudicially incumbered in title estate or otherwise howsoever In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Jacob Hagen Henry Christy James Christy B [?]

Received the day and year first written of and from the within named Charles Titterton the sum of Eight Hundred and eighty pound which with the sum of Two hundred and twenty pounds paid by way of deposit make the full consideration money within mentioned to be paid by him to us

Witness to the signature of Jacob Hagen Jacob Hagen

John Young

Witness to the signature of Henry Christy Henry Christy

Joseph Green

Witness to the signature of James Christy the younger James Christy J [?]

Henry Nicholson

Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Jacob Hagen in the presence of

John Young

Farmer & Seedsman

Ropley Hants

Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Henry Christy in the presence of

Joseph Green



Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named James Christy in the presence of

Henry Nicholson




6 June 1858

[Conveyance by Joseph Fenton to EWB Carman of 10, 11, 12, 13 and 25, 26, 27 George Row and the site of the destroyed Shand’s warehouse for an annuity of £64.]


Dated 31st day of January 1815

Mr Benj Hitchcock

Release of a piece of freehold Ground and a messuage in Hickmans Court Hickman’s Folly Bermondsey

Mr Danl Grumman

for £30

The property was

"All that piece and parcel of ground situate lying and being on the north side of Hickmans Court in Hickmans Folly in the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey in the said County of Surrey containing in front next the said Court nineteen foor four inches of assize little more or less and in depth sixteen foot six inches of like assize little more or less and also all that [‘old’ inserted] messuage or tenement and premised on the said piece or parcel of ground erected and standing and now standing and being and known by No 2 in Hickman’s Court aforesaid."


Dated 16th Oct 1854

Mr Daniel Grumman


Mr George Ellis


[Daniel Grumman sells 1 Elizabeth Court to George Ellis for £100.]


Dated 25th February 1859

Mr George Ellis


Mr John Mussett

Conveyance of Two Messuages and Premises in Hickmans Court, Hickman’s Folly Bermondsey in the County of Surrey

[Ellis sells 1 Elizabeth Court and a new property on that land for £120]


Dated 29th September 1859

Mr John Mussett


Mr Charles Wilkinson

Conveyance of freehold messuages and premises in Hickmans Court Bermondsey in the County of Surrey

[The same property sold for £150.]


Dated 8th Sept 1887

Mr Geo Wm Snooks


Mr Charles Brown

Assignment of a leasehold messuage or tenement shop and premises 31 George Row Bermonsey with the goodwill of a Bakers business carried out thereat.

[Snooks lived there. No 31 was formerly no 18. Charles Brown lived at 124 Hanover Buildings Tooley Street. Snooks got the lease from Edward Pickering. The owner of the property was Arthur Ashwell.]


[30 December 1851. Sale of the freehold of houses in George Row by Jonathan Wise Lawson late of Peckham then of Camberwell to Charles Frederick Jepps of Virginia Terrace Dover Road. The houses are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and are held by Messrs Leffrey, Wood, Bannister, Bowden, Bond, Butterfield, Duck, Freshwater and Baunche. Also sold was a piece of land "abutting east on the common sewer, west on the footway or passage in front of Mill Pond or Stream there north on ground belonging to Stevens and south on certain messuages situate on George Terrace or on the yards or gardens thereto belonging" and also the houses in George Row. Sold for £1180.]


[25 March 1869. Conveyance in Chancery of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 George Row (formerly 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) from Charles Frk Jepps to Mrs Mary Ann Roach and John Henry Tyler. A map shows that the houses were on the east side of George Row, back to back with Salisbury Lane, and that no 1 was furthest south, abutting on the George public house.]