Will of Robert Sibbering 1765

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[Lancashire Record Office, Preston, Chester Wills Robert Sibberin 1765]

In the Name of God Amen I Robert Sibberin of Wrightington in the County of Lancaster Shoemaker being weak of Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (thanks be therefore given to Almighty God for the same) Do make and publish this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say

First I will that my just Debts (if any there be) funeral expenses and the probates of this my Will shall be paid and discharged equally by my two Sons Robert Sibberin and Ralph Sibberin out of their Shares which I hereinafter givethem.

Then I give to my beloved Wife Jane Sibberin the Cottage called Welch’s situate lying and being in Wrightington aforesaid to be by her enjoyed during her natural Life and also I give to my said Wife Jane what Bedding she thinks proper to chuse and the Fire Grate and whatever Goods else she may think necessary for her own Use which she shall have Liberty to make Choice of

And further I give and devise to my eldest son Robert Sibberin My leasehold Cottage called Goodham’s and the Ground thereunto belonging and occupied therewith together with the Ground belonging to Welches Cottage all situate lying and being in Wrightington aforesaid to hold to him the said Robert Sibberin his Heirs and Assigns forever subject to the Payment of Forty Shillings a year yearly and every year to my said Wife Jane during her natural Life

And at the Decease of my said Wife Jane I likewise give to my said Son Robert Sibberin the said Welches Cottage to hold to him the said Robert Sibberin his Heirs and Assigns forever.

I also give to my Daughter Catherine Threlfal my Looking Glass.

And all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods both quick and dead together with my Cash and personal Estates whatsoever I give and bequeath to my younger Son Ralph Sibberin to be by him possessed and enjoyed subject nevertheless to the payment of Twenty Shillings a year to my said Wife during her natural Life

And lastly I do hereby constitute name and appoint my said Sons Robert Sibberin and Ralph Sibberin to be Executors of this my last Will hoping they will see the same performed as my Trust is in them reposed and I do hereby disallow revoke and disannul all former and other Wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixteenth day of November One thousand seven hundred and sixty Four


Sealed signed published and declared

by the Testator Robert Sibberin to be

his last Will and Testament in the

presence of us who have subscribed

our Names as Witnesses

William Higginson Robert Sibberin

Edward Smith

William Banks

31st Oct 1765

Robert Sibberin and Ralph Sibberin the

Exrs above named were sworn in common


Before me

Abel Ward Snr