PERL program to dump ENV variables

This little PERL program will dump your environmental variables.
Check out this URL for information about PERL and grabbing the environmental variables.
Damn that is interesting DOS now has environmental variables just like UNIX. When i ran this program on a PC at SCC it worked just like it would in UNIX but it dumped out a bunch of DOS looking variables.

To run the program as a CGI program from this web site click here

Here is the program that works on DOS. I still have to convert it to run on UNIX

print "wow I didnt know DOS had ENV variable!!!!";
print "but it does!!!";
print "i ran this program on a DOS PC at SCC and it worked!!!";
# look at to see the values you get
#print ($_,$ENV{$_}) foreach (keys %ENV); 
# dump all the variable in %ENV
foreach (keys %ENV) {
 #print "hi world\n";
 print "\$_='$_'\n";
 print "\$ENV{$_}='$ENV{$_}'\n";
 #print ($_,$ENV{$_});
 #print "\n";

Here is the program after i rewrote it to work on this web site

print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
print "<html>\n";
print "<body background=\"nevada.gif\">\n";
print "<h2 align=\"center\">What are your Environmental Variables set to?</h1>\n";
print "<blockquote>";
print "wow I didnt know DOS had ENV variable!!!!";
print "but it does!!!";
print "i ran this program on a DOS PC at SCC and it worked!!!";
print "</blockquote>";
print "These are the $ENV or %ENV or $ENV{$var} variables";
print "<p>";
# look at to see the values you get
#print ($_,$ENV{$_}) foreach (keys %ENV); 
# dump all the variable in %ENV
print "<table border=1>";
foreach (keys %ENV) {
 print "<tr>";
 print "<td>";
 #print "\$_='$_'\n";
 print "<td>\$ENV{$_}</td>\n";
 print "<td>$ENV{$_}</td>\n";
 print "</td>";
 print "</tr>";
print "</table>";