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Proponen crcel para mams drogadictas

El procurador Andrew Thomas recibe fuertes crticas por su idea.

Edmundo Apodaca Fuertes crticas ha recibido el procurador del Condado Maricopa, Andrew Thomas, desde que la semana pasada plante su iniciativa de meter a la crcel a mujeres que consumen drogas durante el embarazo.

Entrevistados por separado, mdicos especialistas calificaron de idea descabellada la propuesta de Thomas, a quien pidieron que mejor se dedique a combatir con mayor rigor a los narcotraficantes, y estudiar mejor las consecuencias de una medida como la que pretende llevar ante el Congreso estatal en enero prximo.

Recibe Thomas fuertes crticas por su intencin de castigar a madres drogadictas. Mdicos se oponen a la medida. Afirman que causar mayores problemas que los que pretende solucionar.

Severas crticas ha recibido el procurador Andrew Thomas desde que el pasado mircoles present una propuesta que pretende llevar ante el Congreso del estado para castigar hasta con 3.5 aos de crcel a las madres que consumen drogas durante el embarazo.

Bajo la premisa protejamos a nuestros nios, el procurador de Justicia del Condado Maricopa presentar en enero prximo una iniciativa de ley para castigar severamente a las madres drogadictas.

De esta manera se pretende sancionar a las mujeres que an estando embarazadas consumen drogas y que daan el producto. De acuerdo a Andrew Thomas, debe tipificarse el delito como una felona clase tres o cuatro, para aplicar castigos que van desde los 2.5 hasta los 3.5 aos de crcel.

El fiscal explic que hasta hoy no existe una ley que castigue este delito, mientras sigue creciendo el problema de nios que nacen con trastornos fsicos y de salud, as como emocionales causados durante su gestacin, porque la mam consuma drogas como metanfetaminas, cocana, mariguana, cristal y otros enervantes.

Reacciones en contra

Para el doctor Augusto Castro Marn, Gineco-Obstetra con muchos aos de trayectoria profesional, la propuesta de Andrew Thomas es una idea descabellada que lo nico que propiciar es alejar a las mujeres embarazadas de los consultorios y hospitales, ante el temor de ir a la crcel o que les quiten a sus bebs una vez nacidos.

Incluso, explic que en los aos 70 el entonces procurador de Justicia de la ciudad de Nueva York propuso algo similar y fracas en su intento de hacer responsables de crmenes de abuso fetal a las madres que usaban drogas durante el embarazo.

El resultado fue el alejamiento de esas madres de las clnicas y hospitales, no recibieron atencin adecuada y en muchos de los casos se puso en riesgo la vida tanto del beb como de la madre. Entonces los mdicos se opusieron, porque adems un alto porcentaje de los bebs nacieron con defectos que los incapacitaron de por vida, lo que se convirti en una carga econmica para el estado.

Lo ms probable es que esta iniciativa del gran genio del procurador no sea respaldada, porque fue hecha al aventn, sin tomar en cuenta aspectos mdicos ni pensar en las consecuencias reales para el beb, dijo el doctor Marn. Agreg que lo que debera hacer el procurador Thomas es emprender una intensa campaa de orientacin, de formacin cultural para alejar a los jvenes de las drogas, del alcohol y de toda aquella sustancia que luego pondr en riesgo no slo su salud, sino la de sus hijos en el futuro.

Se suman apoyos en contra Esta idea es compartida por el doctor Coonrod R.D.E, ginecopediatra del Hospital Maricopa, quien seala que por encima de la represin debe estar la educacin. Es decir, que en lugar de castigo, debe drsele la oportunidad a las madres con problemas de adicciones de recibir tratamiento y orientacin para que abandonen el mundo de las drogas. No es la solucin, dijo, a un problema creciente, que es muy frecuente en mujeres hispanas de segunda y tercera generacin. Se d en todas las clases sociales, pero con bastante frecuencia en jvenes de entre 18 a 24 aos.

El jefe del rea de Maternidad del Hospital Maricopa, Conrood R.D.E, tom con mucha cautela la propuesta, ya que el problema es tan complejo que no admite una solucin tan simplista como la propuesta por Andrew Thomas. Explic que ciertamente los efectos del uso de drogas es muy severo en el beb en gestacin.

En ese sentido, expuso que los efectos son devastadores y van desde dao cerebral hasta trastornos fsicos, en el corazn, microcefalia, defectos congnitos, labio leporino, entre otros, dependiendo el tipo de drogas que consume.

En ese sentido, se pregunt si Andrew Thomas est considerando meter a la crcel a las mams que fuman, ya que la nicotina del cigarro tiene efectos severos tambin en la salud del beb en formacin.

Para la trabajadora social del rea de Maternidad del Hospital Maricopa Christin Fruchiy, la situacin es demasiada compleja como para intentar resolverlo con una medida cautelar o de castigo. Se trata de orientar, de darle a conocer a la futura mam los efectos de sus acciones, asesorarla y darle la ayuda necesaria para su rehabilitacin. De esta manera se logran mejores resultados que castigndola y alejndola de su beb.

La puerta de pandora

Para el juez Carlos Mendoza lo que pretende hacer el procurador del Condado Maricopa, Andrew Thomas, es sumamente peligroso. Porque su idea abrir una puerta que luego ser muy difcil de cerrar, como lo es el caso de que luego el gobierna quiera meterse a la recmara de las familias para castigar a los padres porque no le dieron la vitamina al hijo, o bien porque la mujer no fue al mdico o porque el nio no come. Tiene que tenerse mucho cuidado con todo esto. Si bien reconoci que es urgente hacer algo para frenar el uso y abuso de drogas en la sociedad, particularmente entre las madres en gestacin, la propuesta de Thomas no es la solucin. Tenemos un problema muy grande, pero si se castiga a las madres tendr un costo muy fuerte para la sociedad, que tiene que pagar por malas decisiones y mala conducta de la mam. El asunto es porqu no en lugar de castigar, no creamos las condiciones para orientar. Porqu penalizar en lugar de educar, de prevenir? Estamos tratando de curar slo un sntoma de una enfermedad en vez de ir a la raz del problema. Estamos peleando con los efectos, pero no con las causas, y eso no es muy recomendable. Es, digamos, tomar el camino ms fcil. Vamos a encarcelar, cuando la idea debera ser, vamos a educar.

Ahora bien, porqu el procurador no se mete ms a combatir el problema de las drogas en la calle, que castigar al que las consume?.

Crcel para las madres drogadictas

Por Adriana Elektra Snchez La Voz Noviembre 2, 2005

Un controversial proyecto de ley est en marcha en la legislatura estatal. La iniciativa propone aumentar severamente las penalidades que se les imponen a las mujeres embarazadas que consumen drogas y como resultado daan a sus hijos mientras estn en gestacin.

De aprobarse el proyecto se presentaran cargos de abuso infantil a la madre si se descubre que el beb presenta rastros de drogas en su organismo durante las primeras 72 horas de vida.

La posible ley adems propone que se le retire la patria potestad a las mujeres embarazadas que se descubran consumiendo estupefacientes durante los meses de gestacin.

Aunque la ley castigara severamente a las madres que daan a sus hijos con el consumo drogas prohibidas, no hara lo mismo con las madres que consuman alcohol durante el embarazo.

En conferencia de prensa Andrew Thomas, procurador del Condado Maricopa, dijo que la sociedad tiene el deber fundamental de proteger a los nios de cualquier tipo de dao al que puedan ser expuestos.

Sin embargo, a la hora de preguntrsele si en el futuro planeaba iniciar un proyecto de ley similar en contra de las mujeres que consuman alcohol, contest que por el momento no lo estaba considerando.

De ser aprobado el proyecto de ley hara obligatorio que si un nio nace de una madre que se sospecha utiliza drogas se le haga al beb una prueba durantes sus primeras 72 horas de nacido.

La ley adems hara obligatorio para los trabajadores de hospitales reportar a las autoridades a las personas que se sospeche consumen drogas durante el embarazo, y permitira que un nio sea retirado de la custodia de sus padres si se sospecha descuido y no solamente abuso fsico o sexual.

a rough translation by google Proponen jail for mothers drug addicts Andrew solicitor Thomas receives forts critics by its "idea". Edmundo Apodaca Strong critics has received the solicitor of the Maricopa County, Andrew Thomas, since the last week raised its initiative to put to the jail to women who consume drugs during the pregnancy. Interviewed people separately, doctors qualified specialists as "preposterous idea" the proposal of Thomas, whom they asked that better he dedicates himself to fight with greater rigor the narcotics traffickers, and to study better the consequences of a measurement like which tries to take before the state Congress in next January. He receives Thomas strong critics by his intention to punish to mothers drug addicts. Doctors are against the measurement. They affirm that he will cause greater problems than those than try to solve. Severe critics have received Andrew solicitor Thomas since the past Wednesday presented/displayed a proposal that it tries to take before the Congress of the state to punish until with 3,5 years from jail the mothers who consume drugs during the pregnancy. Under the premise "we protect our children", the solicitor of Justice of the Maricopa County will present/display in next January a law initiative to severely punish to the mothers drug addicts. This way it is tried to sanction the women who still being pregnant consume drugs and that damage the product. According to Andrew Thomas, the crime like one must be tipificar felona class three or four, to apply punishments that go from the 2,5 to the 3,5 years of jail. The public prosecutor explained that until today a law does not exist that punishes east crime, while it continues growing the problem of children who are born with physical upheavals and of health, as well as emotional caused during its gestation, because the mother consumed drugs like metanfetaminas, cocaine, marijuana, crystal and other enervantes. Reactions in against For doctor Augusto Castro Marn, Gineco-Obstetra with many years of professional trajectory, the proposal of Andrew Thomas is a preposterous idea that the only thing that it will cause is to move away to the women embarrassed of the doctor's offices and hospitals, before the fear to go to the jail or that they clear his babies to them once been born. Even, it explained that in 70 years the then solicitor of Justice of the city of New York proposed something similar and failed in his attempt to make people in charge of crimes of fetal abuse to the mothers who used drugs during the pregnancy. The result was the distance of those mothers of the clinics and hospitals, did not receive suitable attention and in many of the cases the life of the baby as of the mother was put as much in risk. Then doctors opposed, because in addition a high percentage to the babies was born with defects that incapacitated them of by life, which became an economic load for the state. "most probable he is than this initiative ' of great geni of the solicitor is not endorsed, because it was done to aventn, without taking into account medical aspects nor to think about the real consequences for it drinks '", said doctor Marn. He added that what would have to make the solicitor Thomas is to launch an intense campaign of direction, of cultural formation to move away to the young people of drugs, the alcohol and all that substance that soon its health will put in risk not only, but the one of its children in the future. Supports in against This idea are added is shared by the doctor Coonrod R.D.E, ginecopediatra of the Maricopa Hospital, that indicates that over the repression it must be the education. That is to say, that instead of punishment, must give it him the opportunity to the mothers with problems of addictions to receive treatment and direction so that they leave the world of drugs. It is not the solution, it said, to an increasing problem, that is very frequent in Hispanic women of second and third generation. D in all the social classes, but with enough frequency in young people of between 18 to 24 years. The head of the area of Maternity of the Hospital Maricopa, Conrood R.D.E, took with much caution the proposal, since the problem is so complex that it does not admit a as simplista solution as the proposal by Andrew Thomas. It explained that certainly the effects of the drug use are very severe in the baby in gestation. In that sense, it exposed that the effects are devastating and go from cerebral damage to physical upheavals, in the heart, microcefalia, congenital defects, leporino lip, among others, depending the type on drugs that consumes. In that sense, it was wondered if Andrew Thomas is considering to put to the jail the mothers who smoke, since the nicotine of the cigarette also has severe effects in the health of the baby in formation. For the social worker of the area of Maternity of the Hospital Maricopa Christin Fruchiy, the situation is too much complex one like trying to solve it with a measurement to prevent or of punishment. One is to orient, to present to him the future mother the effects his actions, to advise it and to give the necessary aid him for his rehabilitation. This way better results are obtained than punishing it and moving away it of their baby. The door of pandora For judge Carlos Mendoza which tries to make the solicitor of the Maricopa County, Andrew Thomas, is extremely dangerous. "Because its idea will open a door that soon will be very difficult to close, as it is it the case that soon the weathervane wants to put to the firing chamber of the families to punish the parents because they did not give the vitamin him to the son, or because the woman did not go to the doctor or because the boy does not eat. It must have much well-taken care of this yet ". Although it recognized that he is urgent to do something to restrain the use and drug abuse in the society, particularly between the mothers in gestation, the proposal of Thomas is not the solution. "We have a very great problem, but if it is punished the mothers it will very hard have a cost for the society, that it has to pay by bad decisions and bad conduct of the breast '." The subject is porqu not instead of punishing, we did not create the conditions to orient. Porqu to penalize instead of educating, to come up? "we are trying to cure only a symptom of a disease instead of going to the root of the problem. We are fighting with the effects, but not with the causes, and that is not very recommendable. It is, we say, to take the easiest way. We are going to jail, when the idea would have to be, we are going to educate. However, porqu the solicitor does not put more to fight the problem of drugs in the street, that to punish to that it consumes them ". Jail for the mothers drug addicts By Adriana Elektra Sanchez the Voice November 2, a 2005 controversial project of law is in march in the state legislature. The initiative proposes to severely increase the penalties that prevail the pregnant women to them who consume drugs and as result damages their children while they are in gestation. to be approved the project positions of infantile abuse to the mother would appear if it is discovered that the baby presents/displays drug signs in his organism during the first 72 hours of life. The possible law in addition proposes that the mother country retires to him power to the pregnant women who are discovered consuming narcotic during the months of gestation. Although the law would severely punish the mothers who damage to their children with the consumption prohibited drugs, would not do the same with the mothers who consume alcohol during the pregnancy. In press conference Andrew Thomas, solicitor of the Maricopa County, said that the society must have fundamental to protect the children of any type of damage to which they can be exposed. Nevertheless, at the time of asking to it him if in the future he glided to initiate a project of similar law against the women who consume alcohol, he answered that at the moment he was not considering it. Of being approved the law project he would make obligatory that if a boy is born of a mother who suspicion is used drugs it tests to the durantes baby to him his first 72 hours of been born. The law in addition would do obligatory for the workers of hospitals to report to the authorities the people who suspect consume drugs during the pregnancy, and would allow that a boy is retired of the safekeeping of their parents if only physical or sexual abuse is suspected to negligence and not.