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3.14.99 "Society members"

These three society members of todays society are having a zany time. Damon, a fine boy on the left is having a zany time. The girl in the middle, she is having a zany time, and lee anne rhyme is having a zany time. So in my opening statement, when i said that the three members of todays society in the picture are having a zany time, I ment it because in the following passage I backed it up by mentioning the name of the society member, what kind of time they were having (zany), and concluded by summarizing what I discussed. I hope that you will consider that my stomach was hurting during class Mrs. Jones during the day you tought about run-on sentences, and will consider that when you grade my essay on members of todays society having a zany time. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless your life.