Hello gang, and welcome to this website. On this website, you will find stuff that is good. Everyday, there will be a new, shiney picture that I took with my camera, and some words that will coincide with the picture. Do you like chicken? Well get some chicken, sit down in front of your computer, and browse through "Photo Essays", because you never know if some activists or whatever are gonna shut it down or whatever it is that they love to do so much. If you don't like the page then you are probably having troubles or hurts or sadness in your life or woes, so I am sorry 'bout that.

here are links to good pages:

Soccer Moms are For Me!

Mullet Research Expedition

The Onion


Gumsmakkers must die

Pantscoop Mcgoop

Cheese Factory

Home PageEmail
Photo Essays

"they free"

5.31.99 "
2x + 0 = meow"

mathscope.jpg (26908 bytes)

Under the circumstances, I mean, honestly, can you imagine the math-e-matical posibilities??? No let us not go into that...let us discuss the many values that exist at the Jc Penny's store in the background, so as not to get into anything that well...oh, okay...Penny's has this mar-vee-lous charm bracelet, you would expect it to be, hell, 55 dollars, or perhaps, 65 dollars...but it is only 19 dollars! yes! ninteen, or as the amish say, "A good days work and an oxen"...I am definatly heading out to my local JC Penny's store when I am finished typing in this hyper text mark up language code, beeeeotch.