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Silly and too many adverts getting on your nerves?

Wenn die "Werbung" so richtig auf die Nerven geht:

Siemens Web Washer
...the efficient choice for Win/DOS (german)
...heftig bekämpft, erfolgreich, wirksam, flott!

What certainly will help:
Netscape (AOLscape):
Remove the ugly monster; use a browser (->).
Eliminate Micro Soft ware; get an Operating System.


And, you might try a better choice:
A genuine (SUN) Java application;
fairly fast and everything in there, AND:
NO Pop-Up's nor J*Script-ish stuff!
The HTML reference/test browser plus a quite comfortable editor, by the W3 consortium.
Text-only, clean and fast:
No pop-up's, no pictures -> No adverts!

03/08/2025 04:46:43